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The other two also arrived so we order.

I am super hungry because I ate breakfast at seven and it was very plain so that Li Jie would not throw up later.

Finally, we are eating. My colleagues are having chit chat while my attention is solely on the food as I have no interesting stories to share with them or want to listen to their braggings about their partners. I do not want to cry in a hotpot restaurant, thinking how different my relationship is from their sappy love stories.

"Zhang Wei, why are you so silent?" Yu Yan askes.

Damn, I am caught!

"I am hungry," I stuff some food in my mouth to prove.

"How is your boyfriend?" Yu Yan insists.

I choke on my food and Xue Ling passes me a glass of water.

"He is okay, working hard," I answer generally as they are still staring at me intently.

"Let's arrange a trip next month with our partners. It has been almost two years that we haven't done anything other than meeting for lunch and it is not that fun only with five of us," Ying Jue blurts out all of a sudden.

I put my chopsticks on the table, I lost my appetite. Convincing Li Jie to come with us for a trip... it is beyond impossible as he does not even come back home before at least ten pm.

My mood is spoiled again, I want to go home... 

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