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I wear a simple white T-shirt and blue jeans, and leave the house. Damn, Li Qiang was right, it is boiling outside. At least thanks to him, I did not forget to apply some sun cream, otherwise my almost transparent skin would get red and itchy.

I get my bike from the basement and cycle towards the restaurant. I should have called for a taxi.

I believe there is not even one good decision I have given for a long while...

Luckily, I manage to arrive before melting. Two of them are already here, so we sit in and wait for the other two. Luckily, the restaurant is cold as the air conditioner is at its maximum which is the usual for hotpot places.

"Do you think it is a wise choice to eat hotpot when it is 50 degree outside?" Yu Yan asks and I find myself nodding.

"Of course! You need to eat hot on hot days," Ying Jue replies but I am not convinced.

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