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I am done with the cleaning. After taking a shower, I sit on the sofa and check the location of the restaurant in order to decide when I should leave the house. I am a very punctual person so I always check the location and the weather at least two hours before the meeting time. Li Jie says that he loves this habit of mine the most. During our five-year of relationship, he has never waited for me.

At least there is one thing that we never argue about.

The online map shows forty five minutes by bicycle. Good, I can leave the house around twelve just in case. Indeed, I do not have a car, leave alone a car, I do not even have a driving licence. A few years ago, I told Li Jie that I wanted to get my licence but he got angry all of a sudden. He told me that he was fine with driving me anywhere I wanted to go, so there was no need for me to get the licence. By that time, our relationship was still doing okay; therefore, being stupid as I was, I found his words quite romantic and dropped the topic.

I should apply for my licence this year. I am earning pretty well so I can even afford a car. Indeed, I mostly work from home and I have a bike, but the city is too big and I also want to go a little farther from the city sometimes. We used to go somewhere near on the weekends with Li Jie, but for a year, we do not even go grocery shopping together.

You never know what the future brings, so maybe it is time for me to try to be a little independent...

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