Chapter 7

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 I step inside of my apartment and notice a yellow lace dress laying on the floor next to couch; last time when I touched it, it sent a vision of me and James indulging in our passionate love making session; I sighed and without any realisation I find myself holding the dress in my hand and within a second the dress was soaked in a patches of my tears; I held it tightly against my chest and laid down on the couch; how will I ever forget you James? Is there an easier way to erase you from my mind? I cried by myself holding the dress tightly to my chest; I wanted to see him, I wanted to hear his voice and I thank god that I left my phone in our burnt bedroom or else I don't know how this situation would have turn out; wiping my tears I sat up and stared at the kitchen, I wonder if we ever made love in there, I look around my apartment and asked myself what kind of memory this place might have hold of us.

After staring at the empty wall for the longest time I was brought into a reality with a sensation of burn in my eyes; I better distract myself. I opened my laptop to check all the emails and decided to reply to voice for voiceless regarding my interest of start date and after within few minutes I receive an email from them; approving my initiated date.


After 1 week

I dress myself in a black pant and oversize blazer; they say first impression is very important and I hope to capture their attention with it; I nervously bit my lower lip and left my apartment; I definitely need to buy a car; the beetle that James claim which I use to drive is in his house and I have no contact information of anyone in that house which reminded me to buy a phone as well; with all my thoughts I grabbed a cab and headed for the first day of my internship.

I stepped outside from a cab and find this old plain white building, standing tall in front of me; "is this the one?" I asked my cab driver confirming the address which he responded by nodding his head; I pressed the old style buzzer at the door and hear a male voice "voice for voiceless"; "hello, I am Rose, I am here for an internship" I replied in my cheerful voice, hoping to hide away my nervousness; "come in" he said and I hear the door click. I nervously opened the door and notice a long staircase and with sweaty palms I grabbed the staircase railing, stepping each step with a beating heart.

"hey" I hear a voice and when I look up I see this familiar face; "john" I murmured in a relief and with confusion which he responded with big smile; "wasn't sure if it was going to be you or not" he replied giving me a big bear hug. John and I went to the same high school; we were classmate and desk partner; after high school I was struggling with my own life and I wasn't in contact with anyone except for my ex-best friend Lucy, who was dating Kyle behind my back. "so you are married?" he asked looking at my emerald green ring and I bit my lower lip not knowing how to answer; "I get it, signal for the pervert out there" he said with a wink; he took me inside of a room which looked like an office for single person; "how about you?" I asked him reading the environment "happily married" he replied turning a photo frame towards me; "my family" he said proudly as I took my time to look at the picture; John was standing with a huge smile plastered on his face next to an Asian looking pretty lady who was holding a child with huge grin. "she is pretty" I commented removing my eye away from the picture "she is from Philippines, her name's Ana" he said sitting on a chair behind the desk "you got a beautiful family I complimented. I sat on a chair which was directly in front of John and leaned my one elbow on the desk which was between us; "so how come you are doing internship now?" he asked raising an eyebrow; "was busy with some stuff" I replied trying to hide away the fact; "How's Kyle?" he asked with huge smile "he is fine" I replied not wanting to let him know the truth; "is he married?" he asked again and I understand him; he might be excited seeing one of his high school friend and who wouldn't want to know about a mate who were in a same football team "no, but he is dating Lucy" I replied as if I know about their life; "really?" he asked with a surprise; "you know what, give me his number, I would love to catch up with him" he said taking out his phone; "I lost my phone, need to get new one and I don't remember their number by heart" I replied. I wonder how many lies I have to come up with in future. "that's ok, here give him my number" he said again showing his excitement and I thought it would be best if I tell him the truth "listen John, i-I am not in contact with my family, we have some issues" I replied with a sudden relief in my heart; John looked at me confused and tossed away the notepad he took out to write his number; "anything that I should be worried about?" he asked trying to read me; "nothing serious, just some family issues" I reassured.

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