Chapter 10

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 "you don't know what it's like" i said softly between my sob, i felt a pair of warm arms around me and i quickly look up to find Ana trying to hug me; her eyes were red and wet; and i felt like as if she understood me; and like a child i let her wrap me in her warm arms and it instantly broke me more; beside James i had no one and i finally felt like as if someone could finally understand me.

I sobbed into Ana's arm for a little while then she took me to their guest bedroom not releasing me from her arms; she turned on the bedside lamp which made the cream coloured wall more visible; "here darling" she cooed and tucked me in a bed like a child; "thank you" i said looking at her with a smile that i could manage; 'don't mention it" she replied fixing my blanket; Ana gave me a last look with a weak smile and headed out, closing the door; "was that necessary?' i hear Ana yelling at John and by the sound of it i could tell they are somewhere close to my room. I hear John mumble softly faded in the background and no matter how hard i tried to hear i couldn't, i eventually gave up and fell asleep.

"I feel a pair of hand snaking around my waist then to my breast, "James" i whisper and opened my eyes only to see Kyle's face; "what are you doing here?" i asked him trying to move him away, the harder i push him the stronger i find him, please leave me, i begged him and used all my strength, i find his touch becoming more aggressive and i could hear his evil giggle in the background, please leave me i begged him, please leave me Kyle i screamed as loud as i could and suddenly i hear a familiar women voice "Rose, you ok?, open your eyes", oh this must be my nightmare James mentioned about, i need to wake up, i thought to myself and opened my eyes to find concerned looking Ana and John standing, staring right into my face; "i am sorry, it was just one of the nightmare" i said breaking the silence trying to explain this situation is absolutely normal and there is nothing to worry about; "you have nightmares?' John asked me concerned; "James mentioned it to me, i used to have it" i replied trying to sound as cool as i can but deep down i know there is nothing cool about this situation and just when i thought i have moved on it has begun to hunt me down. Ana shook her head looking at John and she look really pissed and i wonder why, she left the room leaving me and John behind and we stayed there in silent until Ana walked back again with a spare clothes in her hand "here, fresh clothes for you darling" she replied with a comforting smile and that's when i realised my clothes were wet; i ran my hand down my body and find myself sweating; i nervously took the clothes from Ana's hand being aware of whatever the issue they are having right now, i headed to the bathroom and just when i closed the bathroom door i hear Ana's voice "happy now, didn't i tell you?"; i changed my clothes in confusion recalling yesterday's conversation between them and just now this, what is this about? Is Ana against of me being in this house? Am i being handful to them?

When i headed to the bedroom John was nowhere to be found but Ana was there patiently waiting for me; she gave a biggest smile and took my clothes from my hand; "i will put it in the washing for you", "no, it's ok" i replied trying to take it off from her; "stop" she said being playfully firm, i sat there awkwardly wondering if i should close the door and go to sleep pretending nothing happened or if i should wait for Ana, which is only of she comes back.

Ana walked back in giving me a big smile "do you want me to sleep next to you darling?" she asked me which took me by surprise; what should i say, would it be too rude to say no? this is her house after all, or should i say yes and sleep being uncomfortable; "Darling" Ana called me bringing me back to my reality; "i will be fine i think John won't invite me anymore if i let you sleep here" i replied her jokingly, hopefully i didn't offended her.


I was woken up with a giggle and a smell of something freshly baking; it almost smell like a banana bread or it could be a muffin; i opened my eyes only to feel the room spinning and my nausea kicked in again, i ran to the bathroom and find John weeing and thank god he was wearing his clothes; "Rose, what the fuck?" i hear him; "ignore me, just carry on" i replied just looking for somewhere to throw up since the toilet bowl is occupied; "how do you expect me to carry on?" he asked finishing his business and flushing; finally a place to throw up i thought to myself and pushed him away, placing my head over the toilet bowl; "you ok?" he asked me from behind; "yup, just the normal routine, perks of being pregnant" i replied sarcastically and proceeded to vomit as John walked away screaming "eww".

At the breakfast table Ana was kind enough to ban coffee which John didn't really cared; "we were meant to tell you this last night but tomorrow is our wedding anniversary" John said breaking the silence; "oh wow, how long you have been married for?" i asked them looking turn by turn at both of them "5 years" they replied at the same time with a huge grin. It must be good to find someone that they can share their life with. It reminds me more of James, i wonder how he is doing. "so we are just having a little BBQ tomorrow, please join us, unless you are doing something" John said munching on his banana muffins; "it's Sunday tomorrow, only boring people work on Sunday" Ana said scrunching her face; "ok, i will grace you with my presence then" i replied playfully flipping my hair which made Ana and Tia giggle.

I put on my clothes that Ana had washed for me and headed out for door; i promised to see Ana and Tia tomorrow as John followed me with his car keys which remind me to buy a car; "do you know anyone that sell car?" i asked John which took him by surprise "how much money you got?" he asked me, i locked his head with my arms and whispered "i forgot to mention that i won a lottery"; "what?" he asked looking shocked "shhh it's a secret" i said softly making sure no-one is around; we finally got into John's car "you are one fucking rich bastard, aren't you?" he asked me with a smirk "not sure about rich but i sure i am than you" i replied with full sassiness.


"so this is your apartment?" John asked me with a smirk and i can tell he still can't digest that i have money in my bank; "yes" i replied annoyingly; "all this time i thought poor Rose, she might have no money, she has nowhere to go, she has no one but you were sleeping with a bank account full of cash in your own apartment?" he asked in disbelief; "you know what, it's kind of relief to see that you can look after yourself, not saying that you can't, but because you were pregnant and just doing your internship i thought you are struggling financially but Rose, its good to know that you are financially secured, I am happy for you" he said and this time he look so proud. After saying how proud he was of me and sharing our jokes and gossip about our high school, it was finally time for me to say goodbye; 'i think i should go" i replied reaching for the door; "uhm.... Just letting you know Lucy will be there" John said avoiding my eye; just seeing her after all this time make me nervous but i guess i should see her, like John said i need to face my problem and move on instead of running away; "cool" i said which made him widen his eyes "did i hear that right?" he asked again; "cool i said" i replied annoyingly and get off from the car; just then i feel this chilly shiver down my spine as if someone was watching me, i find John's car driving away and with all my courage i turned around and find a black SUV which looked exactly like James; "James" i whispered and approached more closer to it.

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