Chapter 33

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"Rose, it's daisy" Liam said holding a phone in his hand, covering half portion of the phone with another hand, "what?" I asked him surprised, "your sister" he said again softly, hoping that James is not hearing any of this, "what does she want?" I asked him again "she said she has been trying to call you but....."he replied softly again, there has been many thoughts and questions going in my head, what does she mean she has been trying to call me, she doesn't have my number and how does she find James's number? With thousands of questions bolting in my brain i received the call leaving the room.

Rose: Hello

Daisy: Hey Rose

Rose: yeah

Daisy: I was trying to call you, but I couldn't

Rose: what do you mean? You don't have my number and how did you find James's number?

Daisy: Rose, please calm down......a lot of thing happened in these past years and......

"And what?" I cut her off being so frustrated, "well we haven't spoken in so long and of course there is so much we need to talk about but let's just say for now that James has been helping me and Andrew a lot" she replied, "who is Andrew? What help?" I asked her again being impatient, "Andrew my husband, he lost his job.....things were getting pretty bad and....and....we coincidently bumped into James one day and since than he has been helping us......he found this job for us a rental property........he paid for few months in the beginning but now we are managing to pay it.....things are starting to look better" she started filling me in with all this new detail as I stood there shocked and confused, "how long has it been going for? Are you guys in touch?" I asked her with a lot of curiosity going on in my head, "yeah, we have been in touch......James called me few days ago saying that you guys have patched up.......and I thought it would be best if we can meet and chat" she replied, "look, I had no idea about this and......and.....i don't want to do anything with you....i am grateful that James did this for you guys.....but......there is nothing to talk about between us.....i don't know why you want to talk to me all of a sudden" I said feeling confused. "Everything changed on my wedding night.....let's just say I have cut ties with our family as well, I have been looking for you for so long and luckily I found James, he has been updating me about you....and I was the one who told James to not mention anything to you......I thought it would be better if you hear from me......hearing it from James may have jeopardise your relationship with him and I didn't wanted that.......i am happy that you are happy Rose, I really want to see you and have a chat" she said desperately from the other end and I walked back and forth in the hospital hallway, biting on my nails, not knowing how to handle this situation....."can I call you back later?" I asked her and cut off the line before she can reply.

James has been helping Daisy, my sister behind my back after everything......he has been in touch with her all this time and I had no idea about it. He paid for her place, he found the job for Daisy's husband, he has been taking care of people that are related to me behind my back when I was busy being a selfish prick. I left him because I wanted to build a career, I accused him of being this manipulative and control freak person but all this time he has been doing nothing but the best for me. I know Daisy and I have not been in contact for so long, but James clearly knows how much I adored Daisy, how much she means to me and out of my love he took care of her like his own when I did the opposite to him. How can a person love another person to this extent that they do all these grateful things behind their back not even caring about any credit or appreciation? I am nothing but a person with a dark past, where there was no one for me, no one stood up for me and now all of a sudden, out of nowhere a person appears in my life and does these things without any expectation. I do not believe in god but like a verse in a bible: when the time is right, I, the Lord, will make it happen; Isaiah 60:22:

I walked inside of the room and found James sitting up with his eyes open, he welcomed me with a warm smile and his open arms, without any hesitation I ran towards him and hugged him. "ah" he squealed and I look up to see his face in pain, "sorry" I apologised immediately, checking on his stiches, "it's ok, come here" he said again opening his arms and this time I went to him as gently as I could and stayed in his arms. If only you know how much I have learnt in this past few hours James, my heart and brain has been opened and I find you as a different person, very different than what you claim to be, different but good. I am so thankful you came into my life, without you I would have been so lost, probably still stuck with those nightmares and hatred towards the world. Without my knowing I began to sob in his arms, "hey" he whispered and patted my head, " I am fine, perfectly fine" he whispered again trying to comfort me. "I am sorry" I mumbled pulling away from him, "I am really sorry" I apologised not looking into his eyes as I am ashamed of the cause that my selfishness have caused, "hey, come here" he said again and pulled me in for another hug, "next time, I am going to transplant a GPS in you" he said jokingly, "yeah, I think that would be much better" I replied him being serious, he pulled me away from him and placed his finger underneath my chin, he looked at my face with a concern, as if I was the one who was shot, he studied my face closely, "you haven't slept have you?"  He asked me and I broke into another tears, how can he wake up with all these stitches and bandages and still manages worry about me? How can a person care about another person in their life this much? "I am serious about the GPS" I mumbled looking at him apologetically, "I am not that crazy, just don't leave my sight and I will be fine" he said with a weak smile.

James POV

"I am serious about the GPS" Rose mumbled looking at me so apologetically when I was only joking about it. She looks so tired, her eyes puffy from probably crying, her lips so dry. She was always sassy but seeing her like this broke my heart. She looked very hurt and vulnerable and all I could think at this moment is to cherish her more and give her as much love as I can. "I love you" I whispered cupping her face" which made another roll of tears rolling on her cheek, "I love you too" she whispered in her horsey voice and all I could do was give her a weak smile, I am worried about her health now.

My Mafia man IIHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin