Chapter 41

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I noticed Liam, leaning on the wall right in front of James office and i am sure he heard everything, he looked at me with a weak smile, "will you drop me or should i walk home?" I asked him with the tears continuously falling from my eyes, without any words Liam held me on his shoulder and guided me towards the car.

Our car ride was filled with my cries and Liam awkwardly checking on me at every stop. Once we arrived at our apartment, he took his tee shirt of and handed it to me, i looked at him in confusion, "i am out of tissues, use my tee shirt" he mumbled which made me laugh. Liam helped me to wipe away my tears as i sat there sobbing more. "Are you on his side or mine?" I asked him curiously. "I am not on anyone's side, you both are foolish people who doesn't know how to control your anger, you both need to learn to compromise and be kind to each other" he murmured looking away. "I trust you and i am not asking you for James but for myself as a friend, how the fuck did you ended up in John's car?" He asked. " i spoke to Lucy this morning, she told me Andrew came to pick us up and just then we happened to bump into John and he offered us to drive home, since Daisy lives in the other part of city Lucy thought it would be more sensible if we let John drive us home. So, she let him" i murmured filling him in, "and you had no idea?" He asked me puzzled, and then again he took a long sigh, "of course you don't remember, when you are drunk, you sleep like a log" he said which made me laugh.

I farewelled Liam and stepped inside of my apartment. 16 missed call from John. Fuck you John i cursed and threw myself on the couch. I recalled the event that just happened half an hour ago, all the cries and my unrecovered hangover made me tired and i decided to take a nap.

Liam POV

Love is never easy; it takes so much to make it work. Trust, compromise, loyalty is the base of each relationships followed by the love, attraction and then the skin ship, but when it comes to Rose and James relationship, it's the opposite. Love, attraction and their skin ship are at the top while the trust and compromise comes at last.

They are both acting like a fool, not wanting to understand each other side, they just want to prove who is getting more hurt and, in that process, they end up hurting themselves more. With all these issues they are working with I do not know how they will react if they find out that Leah, whom I am dating is someone who Rose worked with. I was shocked when I found out that Leah knew John, after digging some more information I learnt that they work in the same company. Leah is in Fiji at the moment, trying to do her voluntary work. I love that women.

I need to play their love cupid again, I sighed, frustrated with these two immature, love fool.

I knocked at James office door and the room was empty, so I began to look for him in every corner of the house. Green house, that's probably where is he right now. The place where they hold their memories, the noise of their sex session filled my mind, it shivered my body in disgust, they have a room for this.

I opened the green house door and there he was lying on the bench, holding half-finished bottle of a whiskey. "James" I called out approaching him and he responded with a hum. "you all right?" I asked him and he didn't give me any response. I watch him as he is staring at the blue sky above us. "Rose didn't meet John intentionally, they just bumped into each other" I filled him, hoping to point out that he is wrong. "I know" he mumbled taking another sip of whiskey, "how?" I asked him curiously, "Daisy called, to check up on Rose" he replied giving up, "and Andrew filled me in" he continued. "I am an ass" he stated which I agreed with and he responded with a chuckle. "you are on her side, aren't you?" he asked, "if I were on her side, would I be sitting here with you?" I asked him. James is one of those guys whose ego is bigger than anything. He loves to know that people always have his back, maybe because of his position or he is used to of people bowing down to him every second, he loves being people's favourite. Rose is the only one he ever bows down to, she is the only person who turns him into a decent human. "so, you are going to patch up with her?" I asked him, laying on the green grass. "I am stupid, I only saw my side of the story and didn't even bother to listen to her" he mumbled. He took out the ring from his pocket, the same ring his mum used to wear, the same ring which I have seen in Rose's finger. "she returned me the ring and told me she refuses to marry me" he mumbled again with a chuckle. "she told you to go and see her when you think she deserve a kiss from you" I reminded him, "you heard us" he asked, "if you chose to yell at each other instead of talking, obviously everyone is going to hear you" I replied annoyingly. "James, you are so well mannered and wise when we do talk during the meetings but why do you act like that with Rose? When I hear you argue with her, I question myself if you really deserve the boss position" I stated, giving him hint how unreasonable he is being. "yeah, with her I lose my mind, she has that power on me, she drives me wild and mad and at the end only she has that power to make me weak, she easily manipulates me in her fingertips" he said with a chuckle. "then why are you still here?" I asked him which made him get up. "she is probably pissed at me, let her cool down for a while" he replied taking another swig of whiskey. "when she is angry, she doesn't hear anyone, she will probably leave me again" he said and it made me realise, after all being childish is not that bad in a relationship. You learnt to handle each other, accept each other and love them for who they are. 

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