Chapter 34

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Rose POV

It's been couple of weeks; James has finally got home. We are still in Sicily. I have been helping James to keep his stiches and wounds clean, every time I dab some cleaning alcohol he whimpers like a child, I giggle every time he whimpers in pain and he smiles watching me giggle.

I appreciate James for being in my life and I thank god each day for bringing James into my life, I wonder what I have done in my past life to be rewarded with such a loving man, who wants nothing but my happiness. James filled me in about Daisy, before her wedding night Kyle went to her as well, nearly raped her but she managed to get away, on her wedding night, after I left, she cut all her ties with my parents and Kyle. I was being a selfish person who only cared about my pain and my past and didn't really bothered about anyone. I only thought about me and abandoned my little sister that I should have protected. James met Daisy back home, few weeks after we split up, he took care of Daisy's situation and didn't mentioned anything about it because Daisy requested, even after our relationship ended, he was still in touch with them, taking care of them, looking after them like his own. For the world he might be a gutless mafia boss but to me he is the sweetest man. I might be his sun, the moon and his stars but for me he is my air....... something I need to be alive.........something I need every second of my life.

I wake up as I feel the bright lights flickering right into my eyes, I opened my eyes and find James lying next to me, his gentle snore, his messy hair....the way he hold me tight.......i love everything about this man, maybe he could sense my intense stare at him, he slowly opened his eyes and looked at me with a smile, "morning beautiful" he murmured pulling me more towards him, he snuzzled in at the crook of neck, "your hair smells so good" he complimented taking long breath which made me giggle. I checked James's phone out of curiosity about the time, 4:38 p.m. it showed, we have been going to bed late nowadays, James is still in his antibiotics and resting at home, we don't really have a reason to have a set time table, we have been waking up whenever we feel like it and going to bed when our eyes get tired. We suddenly hear a knock at the door, "who is it?" I asked, "it's me" said the voice and its none other than Liam, he walked in the room and covered his eyes immediately seeing me and James under the sheets. "it's not like we are having sex" I said annoyingly and got out of bed, "who knows" he remarked with an eye roll and scoot over next to James. "hurry up, dude" he ordered, not knowing why he is rushing James I looked at Liam and asked "why?"; Liam looked at me and gave me a nervous smile "I was thinking to go out with James tonight, it will freshen him up, we can have like boys night" he replied looking at me nervously, I nodded my head and went to the bathroom and I could hear both of them whispering something, "I can hear you guys" I joked.

As I sat on the dining table eating some fruits James joined me in wearing a black ripped pants, a black tee shirt and leather jacket, I can't believe this man belongs to me. "close your mouth" Liam teased pushing my chin upwards, closing my mouth for me. "are you going out like that?" I asked James, eyeing him from bottom to top, "yeah" he replied nervously, fixing his hair, "who else is going?" I asked looking at Liam, "just me, James and few other boys" Liam replied casually, "no girls?" I asked with my raised eyebrow, "nope" Liam replied putting his hands up in the air as if he is surrendering himself. "I will wait for you in the car" Liam informed and left me and James in the dining table. "you ok?" James asked noticing how I am ignoring him, "you never dress up like that for me" I murmured chewing on my last piece of fruit which made him chuckle, "I can if you want me to" he said casually, leaning towards my face, I gulped looking at this beautiful face just inches away from mine, it's been 2 years but he still manages to make me this nervous and flushed, "you are blushing" he commented noticing my shyness, "no" I replied quickly and tried to walk away, he grabbed my wrist and pulled me in his arms, "did I turn you on?" he whispered in my ear, "oh please, don't flatter yourself, I am just tired" I replied with my rising heartbeat. "I will see you tonight than" he murmured kissing my cheek, "better not drink much, you still on medication" I reminded him which he replied with a quick salute and a wink. I watched him slowly disappearing from my eyesight.

I haven't been able to get in touch with John and Lucy, so I called them in a conference call. Both of them seems to be happy for me but John still have few suspicion towards James, "I am telling you Rose, you need to watch yourself" he said trying to give me an advice as Lucy cut him off saying "you are just jealous dude, leave her alone, you are married now" which John quickly replied by saying "I am happily married". The time just went by talking with these two and we finally hung up with a promise to call back again. John informed me that they have a position opening in their place and I can apply if I wish to and to be honest I might, because this has always been my dream. We don't really have a reason to stay behind in Sicily now. We just stayed back because of James's condition. I might convince James to fly back home.

With a boredom striking I decided to step out of my room and have a walk around in Jasper's vineyard, there I notice Cassandra practicing her shoot. "Hey" I called out approaching her which made her stop shooting, she took out her headphone and placed the riffle on top of the wine barrel. "hey" she replied with a hesitation, after that night I haven't really had a chance to chat up with her, James and her has been talking a lot lately but I haven't really got a chance to thank her for what she did. "Thank you for saving James life" I thanked her with a weak smile which she responded with another smile, "no worries, just remember that I am good at shooting if you ever decide to hurt James" she warned me with an sarcastic smile, "are you threatening me?" I asked her noticing how she was trying to intimidate me, "no, just reminding you" she said again and lit up a cigarette. "you see I really care about James, I know I haven't been the best cousin but now I know the difference between right and wrong, I just want you to know if you hurt James, you have to answer me" she looked at me with a smirk and threw the remaining cigarette butt. "I know you guys broke up and I also know how you have issues about James doing certain things but let me tell you one thing, he is a very sensitive man, he may look very spiteful and dangerous to other but I know James more than he knows himself, he loves you, dearly, and I want you to respect his love, if you do not picture yourself in his life for another 10 years than you need to leave now, before it's too late" she warned looking deep into my eyes. I stared at her not believing what she just said, I know I have had issues with James trying to control me but that was just in the past, I have learnt to respect James and his love for me. "I may not be good at shooting but Cassandra if I find that you are plotting to kill James again than you might have to deal with me first" I warned her, "or what?" she replied with a chuckle and rolled her eyes, "you never know what I am capable of" I replied and walked away as I sensed her strong stare at me. 

My Mafia man IITahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon