Chapter 44

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Author's note: hey guys while I was proof reading chapter 43 I accidentally deleted half of the chapter hence why few of you were able to read it whilst most of you missed out, I apologise for it. I have included half of the deleted part in this chapter, and as my apology this chapter will be very long. Hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed writing it. :) XOXO

James POV

We sat on the couch watching a movie that I am unfamiliar with, sharing a bowl of noodles and then my phone rang, it's Liam. "yes" I picked it up knowing who it is, "we got a meeting in half an hour" he replied, "for a follow up from uncle John's incident, your dad is here with Cass" he added, Dad didn't mention anything about him coming here and that too with Cass. Must be something serious. "who is it?" Rose asked me stuffing her mouth with the noodles and she look adorable. "I need to go" I replied, not giving her much detail because I know she will start to worry. "will you come here tonight? To sleep?" she asked again, taking off my tee shirt and handed it to me. "will I be rewarded?" I asked her over her question, "depend" she murmured, ignoring my gaze which made me chuckle. I put on my tee shirt back that smells like the mixture of Rose and sex. Our sex.

"I love you" I murmured and move my face closer to her, hoping to get that kiss, she grabbed my face and placed gentle kiss on my forehead, "see you later, alligator" she murmured as I sat there, staring at her in disappointment. I know I started it, but I am craving to feel her tongue inside of mine, I want to suck those lips and feel her breath against me.

"why are we rushing dad?" I asked my dad, as I get ready for the meeting, "they want to talk" he replied as Cass stood at the hallway leaning against the wall, playing with her pocketknife. "are you nervous?" she asked scowling at me and I know where she is going with it. She believes that I am not giving as much time to our business now as Rose is in my life, but my life revolves around her. This is why I have men working for me.

"Let's go guys" Liam yelled standing at the door and I hear his dad telling him off for being rude, it made me laugh, Liam getting told off by his dad. "we all go together?" I asked jokingly looking at Liam and he rolled his eyes, heading towards the wrangler. I know Liam hates being around his dad, even though he is the best man of mine, he still gets a good scolding from his dad time to time. He tries to avoid being around his dad, as much as possible.

"I will come with you guys" Cass murmured, following us and I know the atmosphere is going to be awkward in our car. Cass saved me from her dad, but Liam still can't get past the day when Cass tried to kill me. Liam think if time comes, she will not hesitate to shoot me again, but for now I am enjoying her company. She cares for me.........well at least that's what I would like to think.

We all entered a room which had a long wooden table as if we are here to have a feast with royals. I feel each gaze at me, reading my each move and by now I have learnt to ignore them. "so, James, how are you?" one of the mafia boss asked, who is based in New York. "blessed with god's generosity" I answered which made him scowl. "You have changed" the other one said, and I decided to keep my mouth shut. 

"we have heard enough of your girlfriend Rose, are you guys serious or?" the other said, smoking the cigar, "we are very much serious" I replied not wanting to tell them about my tomorrow's proposal plan. "we have many beautiful daughters you know, who knows in's and out, who knows their place" he added looking around. "she is only bringing trouble; how many times have you nearly faced death?" the other one asked which I responded with a chuckle. "you only notice the trouble she brought but how many times because of me she has suffered?" I asked with a raised eyebrow.

 "you all think she is trouble and weak, she doesn't deserve to be in my life but let me make this straight, it's me who brought trouble in her life, it's me who doesn't deserve her" I murmured looking around each one of them. "That's enough, James" Cass ordered, "he thinks he is in love with her, but it's James guys, give him few more months and he will be done with her like with the rest of the others" she stated, and a nod was formed around the table. "how many girls has he been involved in the past? I know he was messing up with the girls within our business and this time he chose to mess around with someone out of business but again it's James, he will be done with her before we know it, right?" she asked looking at me and it pissed me off.

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