Chapter 42

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James POV

Instead of accusing her of cheating and calling her a liar, I should have done some research. I was mad because the word John said continued to stay in my head, I was scared she might really leave me just how John assumed. I fired some hurtful words towards her in rage and now she is upset with me. I want to run to her, beg her for forgiveness but I know she must be fuming at this point, or probably sleeping through her anger, that's what she always does. She sleeps until she has the strength to fight back. I stared at the ring which I gave her, "Think about it when you cool down your anger, if it's me or your ego" her voice played up in my mind. Rose is the only girl who came into my life not caring about my position or wealth. I fucked up many times, but she still chose to stay beside me. The moment when she shielded me and got shot played in my mind, the flashback of her laying in the hospital bed with no memory took over my brain. We have been through so much for this past 2 years. Rose think that I am the only giver in our relationship, where I give her everything without any expectation but she doesn't know that she is the one who gave me everything, she gave me second chance in life, if she hadn't shielded me on that night I may have been killed. She taught me to be patient, she taught me what it feels like to have someone you love beside you, what it feels like to wake up next to someone, who you want to spend rest of your life with.

"you asked me to marry you and stopped talking about it when you were sober" the sentence which Rose mumbled while she was drunk came into my mind. I love that women and I don't know what I will do if she decides to leave me.

I walked into the storage room, where I have never stepped in my entire life, Gloria froze seeing me, messing up her clean storage room. "ummmm where's the lights?" I asked her, trying to hide my embarrassment, "do you want me to change your room light sir? Although I recently changed it" she informed, looking puzzled, "No, I mean the light, Christmas light? Party light?" I stated, trying to be more specific, "do you mean fairy lights, sir?" she asked me with raised eyebrow, "fairy lights?" I repeated after her, "this one?" she asked handing me a box filled with the lights that I was looking for, "yeah" I muttered. "They are called fairy lights sir" she mentioned, and I could clearly see how confused she is. She is probably thinking what the fuck I am trying to do with it. I began to shuffle around and find no plugs in it, "where's the plug?" I asked her, pointing towards the light, "these are solar lights sir, they don't need plugs" she replied, choosing her words wisely, she probably thinks what a dick I am, not knowing what solar lights are. "perhaps, I help you to set up the lights?" she asked me, she probably think I am a dumb who doesn't know anything except for killing people. "that would be great" I replied with a smile, she seems surprised with my smile I just flashed at her as she awkwardly took the box away from my hand, giving me a weird, uncomfortable smile.

With Gloria I began to add the fairy lights in green house, "would you like to make this place magical sir?" she asked, "of course" I replied, not understanding why she would ask a silly question like this. "is it for a proposal sir?" she asked, I look at her wondering how the fuck she read my mind. "yeah" I mumbled awkwardly, scratching my head. Which she responded with a smile. "when would you like the proposal to take place sir?" she asked me and I began to calculate in my head, she is pissed at me so I probably won't make it tonight, "probably tomorrow night? Evening?" I replied, wanting to know why she wants the details. "you can have some rest sir, I will have it ready by tomorrow" she said with a biggest smile, as if she is the one who is going to get proposed. "perhaps some fresh flowers as well?" she asked me just when I was about to leave the green house, "No, she doesn't like cut flowers, she hates it when they die" I informed her, "than I will add some flower plants?" she seek for my permission. Though her name is Rose, she adores sunflowers, they make you smile she says, every time she sees it, "yes please, some sunflowers plant, maybe cover the whole green house with the sunflower plant" I ordered and looked around the green house, "leave that bench, maybe add few more sunflower plants next to them but I want that bench to be empty" I ordered again, knowing the special memories that bench hold in our heart.

I better go to her now. I will do anything tonight to make her forgive me. "do you want me to drop you?" Liam asked, noticing me taking my wrangler's key. "No, but send my suit and a beautiful dress for Rose at her apartment by tomorrow afternoon" I ordered him, "what dress? Wedding dress? Cocktail dress? Party dress? You don't know how complicated it is to get a dress" he complained, following me to my car. "Any dress will be fine because she will look beautiful in anything, if I have to be specific than a proposal dress? Do they even exist?" I asked him confused which made him smile. "Bro you proposing her? Where? Do you want me to organise the place?" he bombarded me with millions of questions. "Gloria is on it, you can ask her if you want to help, for now, TTYL" I waved my finger at him and he gagged seeing this side of mine.

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