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Sirens P.O.V
"All of  yall get out" the uh 'captin crunch ' person directed, and in seconds everyone but me left.
'Being alone together almost felt comfortable right now' I thought to myself.
"You really dont know do you." The Captin said looking at me breaking me from my silence. Why is he really acting like I am the bad guy?
"Tell me"
I pushed.
I felt  like he was challenging me. I didnt kill my Fucking mother and sister!
"Ion Know If you lying or not but to be sure You are Christiane daughter "
My eye twitched in irritation.
"Why the fuck ima lie bout some shit like that!" I yelled getting in his face.
He snatched my chin in his hand
"Stop fucking talking to me like some Peon. Ima King Pin." Looking me in my eyes while Throwing my head aways he started to pace around.
It was safe to say my nerves were easing the more I stood watching him pace.
"I dont want to trigger you" he paused looking me in the eyes.
"But How Many Men were shot And killed Not including your Mother and Sister."

"Copy victim is in ambulance two have already driven off no suspects ... however the daughter did manage to shoot two intruders... mhmm... Yes sir I got her report. We'll follow her... copy"

"I Personally shot Two Men... never caught the names do you know those two?"
I spoke confidently. 
"And what the fuck is your name yall over here demanding me questions and what not and I cant even address you properly." I Sarcastically spoke secretly hoping he would actually tell me.
He gave me a long stare then chuckled.. after a second his chuckle it turned to a menacing laughter.
"Erm? U good bruh?" I said lifting an eyebrow. Cutting his momment short the guy looked at me seriously.
"Morris Willis Jackson" he stated, thats interesting...he had the exact same name as my uncle.
"Thats your name?, that my uncles name" I said without even thinking.
"No" he looked stern "thats, the name of the person who sent the hit out to kill your family members, The same Person You work with at that strip club."
Sirens Heart accelerated in confusing.
"That cant be right that is my Dads Brother your talking about!"
"Who cares who he is HE DID IT, HE Gon get his!" The guy stared blankly into nothing.
I looked at him in shock "how is it personal for you?"
He looked at me as if he was contemplating something after a few exaggerated sighs and feet shuffles lent down beginning to talk.
"Listen, I dont know why im telling you this but ... The Shock of my Mothers Long term Bestfriend kind of like Sister Put her Into such a bad mental State My Mother tried to kill herself . Three. Times almost getting the job done... long story story she had a hard life. Her and Your mom were friends since forever but after graduating they only ever kept in contact by phone... always did, just went from frequently .. to sometimes..  to twice a  year..." for once Through out this whole time this is the first time he has showed Actual emotion. In a weird sense i want to hug this grown man who for a split second looked like a innocent child. "When my mother got the call she felt so guilty, she knew It was Morris he was selfish he wanted to be on top so bad, but also it was the last conversation with your mother that Really put her on point."

"Hey Jessica Bitch How are you whore?"  Christiane hollard on the phone.
"Good Baby hows everything going?" Jessica Kentrells mother smoothly replied. Latly she had been keeping conversations short,She didnt really feel like her and Christiane were on the same level anymore. Jessica had gotten married to a rich White successful businessman. He literally picked her up off the street life and Changed her whole way of life. Not in terrible way per-say however, the lifestyle quickly ran to Her head. She wasnt a drug dealer anymore and didnt like associating with it.
"Well see Jess, we need a favor from you." She rolled her eyes. And this is why she didnt mess with these type of people.
"Honestly Chris-"
"Jess Please A lot with Morris is going on right now and you are the only person I can trust with this"
"NO! I dont participate in illegal activities or with criminals anymore." She shouted hanging up the phone.

I was sick. "How could your mom-"
The guy stopped me.
"That doesn't matter what she said... when my mom Got that phone call that your mom was dead she immediately knew what she had to do...My dad gave us Both A ultimatum. If we left he was going to divorce, Cutting all our funds off. The other choice was pretty obvious.
We Left Him In Revenge For your mother and Sister."
tears threaten to fall down and I immediately tried wiping them.
"We Thought the rest of the family was Tooken -  Killed even. No idea someone survived. We just assumed Morris had what was needed to open the safe.
My mom lost her sanity behind the situation and after the first 2 years of nothing she slipped hard no sign of morris. One attempt after the next,shes been in a mental facility just going crazy while I been out here fighting for that safe the money the Gang Everything."
I couldn't believe this shit.
"Am I really supposed to believe my uncle killed my MOM AND LITTLE SISTER!"
I said heart broken. All these years after everything he did for us.
Ive been working with him for years he didnt seem selfish to me.
"Wheres the proof." I spat.
"He disappeared after their death-"
I quickly cut him short. He wasnt about to bash my Uncle. He has giving me a Pathway to Money, drug dealing ,am and living life to the fullest. Im a gun toating type of female now because of him.
"This is bullshit im leaving" I said Walking around Him.
He grab my arm turning me around.
"Im not bullshitting you Girl."
We stared at each other for a second. 
I really wanted to belive him , but my uncle? That didn't make sense.
"Just ask him where he was that day, that Night Even. It was No where near the town you guys were living. He set that hit out on your parents... now he even had a Guy break into Our wear house where that safe was located and try and steal it... we grazed his Left Arm right above the elbow Look for that mark on anyone Around you."
He let go of my arm and straightened out his poster. For a gang leader he was proper. We probably both grew up in private school.
"Ill tell Pebbles to take you."
Before leaving I turned giving him one last  look over.
'He never gave me his name'

*sorry for any mistakes once im done i will go back and Fix Please for the time being ignore.

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