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Kentrells p.o.v
Ive been stuck in my head ever since This girl Left .
Her name Repeated in my head. I wanted to call my mom right now but the facility I had her placed in is so strick no one was Allowed in and only out going calls were made. I knew once she was better they would tell me.
"Knock knock"
Pebbles walked in.
I looked up at her.
"You wont believe what i saw when i Dropped off the Bitch."
I started to correct her because from my end it seems she was Brain washed.
"Chill out Yawn, shes been through a lot, we all have."
"Dont defend that bitch to me. She was with the little Nigga who broke into the warehouse!"
I sat up straight at that information.
"Yup when I was dropping her off it looked like he was Coming from looking for her ass, he ran up on her and as soon as we made eye contact I speed off! that bitch knows some Kent and I aint going for it she shot Sasha!"
"Yawn I hear you But That doesnt add up! these two Kids are not our enemies we need to rewire our ways of thinking. We are smarter then this She already got beat up what else you want girl?"
She stared at me Angrily.
"So what we gunna do bout it?" Shae smacked her teeth. Yonny was a hot head but she was better then that. Dan will never get over Sasha and that we know and the friendship she had with them before I became number one I cant imagine but Im only in this to kill One person Morris Jackson.

Siren's P.O.V
The ride back was really awkward with that Female. If I really did kill sasha under fasle Details that would really Mean that, that use to be their friend or lover or mother.
I never even thought twice about that.
My brother walked into the livingroom with a glass of hot tea.
"You ok sis? Dont cry ill kill all them bastards who did this to you."
His eyes got dark scarying me.
"Im fine Bash..." thinking about the conversation I had with that gand i looked back up at bash. "Hey do you trust Uncle Morris?" I said sipping my tea.
He through his head back scoffing. "Hell yeah, with my life." He stood up. "Im finna go shower." He walked aways going about his business.
If what this guy tells me is true ill be crazy hurt. I would have killed an innocent person actually trying to help me... how would I fix that?
"Just ask him where he was..."
Uncle got here pretty quick though. He showed up to the hospital the same time as us in the ambulance. My dad and brother had already gone off before me.
"This is crazy" I sighed. I leaned my head back placing the ice pack back on it.
Ima heal up quick 3 days max, the swelling should be gone by the time i wake up.
My eyes popped open.
Shit Lawrence.
I frabbed my phone from the charger finally turning it on.

*incoming call*

I immediately pressed answer
"SIREN! You answered shit im on my way now-"
And then he hung up. I smiled and put my phone down.
I looked at my Notifications.

*203 Miss calls.
*50 Message
Low🥺: Baby where are you!?
"Please answer"
"Are you ok Rin please"
" call me when you see these"
"They told me not to call the cops or they will kill my sister"
I shook my head ill make them retards pay for that statement.
I rested my head back with the ice pack.
"Jesus whats next"

Soon after my brother came out the bathroom.
"Night sis love ya" he said wrapped in a towel throwing the peace sign up at me.
My heart stopped and i ran to him quickly grabbing and tugging on his arm.
The graze,
A graze was on my brothers arm.
"Uh fighting in school sis no biggie"
He pulled away from me.
"Sebastian dont lie to me!" I looked him in the eyes, my hands still grasping him firmly.
He paused while opening his door then smiled and looked at me.
"Ok ok ok you got me... -"
"I was uh- tagging again and the police were called and I did it jumping over a gate."
My heart broke into a thousand peices.
It was true. What the guy was telling me was. True.
And here my fucking brother was lying to me about it in my face.
"I know you were looking for the safe Bash."
He took a step back.
In that instance a knock was at the door.
"Go get dress we have to Talk."

True Color (#Wattys2020) Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ