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Sirens P.o.v

"its Not necessary-"
My brother tried to cut me off. I slapped him up side the head, in that instant the door bell rung again.
"Come right the fuck back!" I pushed him into his room, closing the door behind him.
I ran to the front door opening it. Immediately Lawrence threw his hands around me.
"Siren my god I thought they were going to kill you."
I cut him short.
"Im fine just a little beat up, look Low im having a family issue right now." I stepped out and ushered him to the side.
"I appreciate the worry so much but i just need today to myself." He looked angry and without ruther explaining myself I left back inside locking the door behind me. I ran back to my brothers room with with a sigh.
"You Cant be Serious Sebastian" I said as soon as I saw he lock the door. We had to get things moving fast I didnt have time for this.
"Just tell me, was it uncle morris who gave you the offer." I said sighing.
It was a long pause.
"Yeah He did"
I hit my head in frustration.
"Fuck" I cursed out loud. "The enemy has been under my nose this whole time."
Bash unlocked his door flying it open.
"How can you say that Sis?"
He gave me a Pointed look.
"So what? The people who did that to your face ? What? Their the good guys?"
"Sebastian its not-"
"No tell me "Katrina" while im out there fighting for our fathers life your at some strip club shaking your ass!" I slapped my brother hard across the face.
"IS THAT WHAT THAT FUCK TARD HAS YOU BELIEVING! THAT IM JUST SOME FUCKING STRIPPER?!" I quickly paced back and fourth calming down before I broke this rat tail head ass boys neck.
"Are you out your mind?" I questioned looking at him. I continued to pace.




"Can you Stop now?"
Sebastian took both my shoulders in his hands.
"How do you know?"
I stared at him mostly flustered. Everything was spiraling right now and I felt like I had the world on my back. I didnt even have time to sit back think and cry.
"I cant even break it to you like this lets go we got some shit to figure out."
I ran to my room changing into some shorts and a t shirt throwing my hair up.
"Come on Take me to my car"
Bash got up from the couch.
"On my Bike?"
"You rode to that fucking wearhouse on your bike didn't you?"
I replied pissed off.
Actually words couldnt describe how I felt right now. I just Know all of this shit was turning out to be so fucked up.
'Its all starting to make sense now though, he knew I was a hot head and he knew I would do something about her... they were on his ass and he had me do the dirty work.'
I shook my head in agony. 
"Im a terrible person." I mumbled.
My brother sided eyed me. "Fine lets go." He got his shoes on and we left.


Once we got to my car we put the bike in my back seat.
"CAN you tell me where we are going now."
"You want to save our Father ? Just shut up and listen."
I put the car in reverse thankful I didnt wear a blind fold on the way back from their underground lair. Thing is.
, This is still going to take a few hours I mean the Initial walk into the tunnel is an hour Max.
"Mtch" I suched my teeth. "Im fucking tired."
I drove the car down I-20.
"Its a lot we didnt know Bash and if I had the mental compasity to have a total break down right now I would. Facts are we dont have that type of time because the closer we thought we were, we were just doing Morris' dirty work."
"Siren that cant be true he -"
"Fuck whats hes done bash You thinking im just a stripper is proof he was  Lowkey trying to turn us against each other"
I was speeding fast as this point.
My blood was boiling and my heart was broken.
"The fucking dirty Pig." I gripped my steering wheel. 
After about 40 more minutes of driving I made it to the broke down entrance point.
"Lets go"
I grabbed what I needed frantically running inside. I ran for a full 15 minutes before getting tired and Yelling out.
"This is ludacris." I heard him say from the side lines.
" If Morris gets the key to that safe, hes going to kill our dad Sebastian!" I yelled.
A humorless laugh echoed around us.
"So you figured that much out" I heard from beind me.
I turned around to see the leader from before.
"This is the one isnt it" i said pointing to my brother. "Hes the one who broke in huh?"
The learder smiled and The girl Pebbles came from out the shadows.
"So yall arent working against us."
She smirked.
"I wants whats best with my Father. I apologize about yalls friend and will do anything to make yall trust me." I said.
This was more then just about me. My Mom Was dead, sister murdered.  My father had a Month tops before I was all bill and New Medicine money out I was super behind and they stop giving him such strong medication because it cost to much.
I looked back at Sebastian. 
"Despite how grown he looks my brother is Only 16 Years Old, easy to manipulate and keep around. Somehow Convince him how yall did me" More people came from behind the guy Z. Me only recognizing the 3 in the van.
"Sis what the fuck-"
The captain quickly cut him
"I actually got a Phone call From my Mother" he looked at his watch.
"About 30 minutes ago before they put eveyone to bed."
"What does your mother-"
Sebastian looked me up and down with a Sly smirk.
"Youre a ...stripper"
I slapped him again hard across the face. Hopefully these slaps will help him realize something!
"Im a fucking gang member who Does more then half of each drop off out of state you ungrateful asshole!"
The captain walked a couple steps forward to us.
"She said Your uncle was In love with yalls Mother. And Jealousy filled his rage. Your dad came and sweapt her off her feet and shit, whatever fast forward Your dad Buys her this Necklace with the Key and stone on it. Her birthstone I believe my mom said she barley even remembered it but Someone in her Facility had a Necklace with their house key on it and she said her memory of the phone call Came back from about 10 years ago. So its an old looking chain perhaps, its safe to say your uncle might have it and thats why he sent your brother to fetch the Safe perhaps-"
"Wait." Sebastian spoke. His voice was trembling with Confusion and doubt. 
"He doesn't have it-" he continued moving his gaze from his previously stare to Looking up at the captain.
"He sent me to just steal the safe."
All eyes were on Sebastian including mine.
"How would you-"
"Dont under estimate me." He said sternly Looking the Captain in his eyes.
"Pointed. Either way that still brings us back to square 1-"
"Not really" I jumped in.
"We have them two." Pebbles said.
"And We can form some Kind Of plan to get it out of him I Know It." I said.
The captin looked at me.
"Follow us" he Said.
"Wait! What in the hell is yalls Name!"
I Said.
The Girls whose been being a total bitch to me stepped up holding her hand out. "Im Yonny."
I shook her hand.
"I apologize once again."
She shook her head at me.
"Im genuinely Apologetic. If i had known... my uncle totally set me up-"
"He knew It would hinder us potentially working with you, so for right now ill put it to the side, just know we All have been working on this revenge for a while Trying to kill everybody involved and Your Uncle along with five other still live happily. 3 of them have families so we choose to only Cut a limb off, if they die trying to fight us they die. We've-"
"Yawn please." The Captin cut in.
"Im Kentrell"  he said giving me his hand to shake.
His hand literally engulfed mine in size.
His name rolled so smoothly, like a sharpe knife slicing a pear. Satisfying even.
"Glade to see your eye swelling went down" He stared at me. My heart pounded and I gave him a pointed half smile look.
"Im not frolicking with this bitch or her fraud ass brother" The Seem to be always angry guy stormed away.
It looked like Sebastian wanted to say something so i told him to cut it.
"I fucked up, just ignore him for right now"
"Whatever man this is to much right now Siren"
Anger surged through me. Of course it was to much it delt with our Family. Then to find out it was a inside job from the person who has been looking over us a if we have the key to the safe... or our dad.
"Hes trying to stay close to our dad" I whispered.
"Huh?" I got from several people.
"Our uncle- I mean Morris, if he kept us close he could always be there next to my father ... he knew I needed money to keep him on the Monitor, so he gave me a sketchy job to make just enough for my bills at that huge ass condo and The hospital treatments"
Sebastian got angry.
"Ill kill the son of a Bitch."

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