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Siren's P.O.V

Eyeing the pizza in my hand, I joyfully chewed the piece already in my mouth.
I could hear the chewing amongst us all.
"So- how are we- going to do that?" Lola spoke in between chews.
It got quite for a second then Kentrell spoke up.
“This what we'll do” he stopped chewing. “We can … pay someone to meet him at the hotel and slip a drug in his drink. After about 15 minutes it should kick in, next we should have Lola-"
“Why me?!” Kentrell ignored her and kept talking.
“Shell be dressed up as the decoy girl, then get him to the car,boom… everyone minds their business when a man and female get in a car together.” He finished.
Quietness again. Chewing filled the air.
“Then what?” yonny said slowly.
“Then … She drives him To the woods, we will tie his ass up on a tree and demand answers!” he finished.
“What answers though? We have the safe lets just kill him- we know he doesnt have the key.” Martin said.
Sebastian sucked his teeth.
"We dont know that... for whatever reason he still had me go get that safe.. so theres a reason."
He kept eatting his pizza after that.
"Sebastian is right- I mean this guy is in his 40s he is way More smarter then that.-"
"What if... instead we get the whole team... bring them to the woods shoot the whole shit up" Dan Said.
"I second that" I chimed in.
Dan gave me a Look then looked at Kentrell.
"Worst comes to worst one of us get shot back... with the right people though that shouldnt happen."
I shook my head in agreement again.

After more renovations and tweaks to the plan we all sat back finally "relaxing"
"Iight, roll up another blunt man im beat... we will kick this Shit off tomorrow night .. 17 hours from now. Lets inform rod, taylor, Bailey The Male, Tarik, and Kemo the plan... but lets not fuck this up either. Once they are dead we have to figure our opening that safe"  Kentrell said.
"Ill call the hospital my Dad is at... see if any progress- damn my phone is still at the house." I said.
"Ill go with you to go get it." Sebastian looked at me
I shook my head. "Hell no, Ive seen My Uncle Move he probably has people at my apartment, he has probably broke in by now who knows"
Yonny looked at me with a weird expression.
"How is it your uncle hasnt even got to kill your father yet?"
I stopped at her question.
"I dont really know. What I do know is My father isnt even in a Hospital were his hometown is, so maybe its just the jurisdiction of the area." I shrugged.
I stood up streching. I felt a pair of eyes on me and I immediately looked at Kentrell.
He smiled when we locked eyes, His Broad shoulders relaxed. He had on a button up white shirt that fit him perfectly, no undershirt.
He was the only one everyday who wore a dress up shirt. Everyone else wore Basic Name Brand things. He made being him look easy and I knew it wasnt.
"Stop Staring" I flirted.
Yonny rolled her eyes.
"Yall been sleeping in the same room since you got here aint it? Mtch mhm I see yall" she laughed putting her hand in a bag of chips, then tossing a few in her mouth.
I laughed.
"That man dont touch me"
Sebastian tapped my shoulder with the blunt again. "Yeah I bet yall dont" he laughed. "You done forgot all about poor Lawrence." He teased.
"Thats My job" Kentrell joined.
I grabbed the blunt as everyone laughed.
"Shut the hell up Yall" I inhaled.
"Dont act like we dont see how friendly Boss is withchu." Lola just had to add.
I raised an eyebrow at him.
I mock laughed at the compliment.
The past couple of days any chance he got he was Criticizing me. Now On the gun training it didnt bother me so much, but I can fight I dont need someone down my ass with that. He Plucks my forehead and Calls me a "Baka" whoever the hell that is. And he threatens me constantly.
He was Annoying me.
I can admit though with everything going on in my mind, whenever We were in the room for our annual 3 hour sleep,
*Cough bullshit *cough; together My mind seemed to be peaceful. Ive never actually seen him sleep yet. He normally just comes in sits down on the bed next to me with his back on the Backboard of the bed and reads, however the the serenity of the room is so at ease it hard not to just find peace in there.

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