love Story

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Walking around I found Martin and Keon in the kitchen talking.
"Hey y'all... have yall seen Kentrell?" I asked going to the island and leaning on it.
"Hell nah" Martin said unbiting his lip. I smiled at him laughing. "Bye!" I turned around. "You play to much!" Martin called after me. I turned around walking backwards sticking my middle finger up.
'Where are you For real Man' I thought as I went down just another random tunnel. I never really explored the tunnels outside from what they have showed me because I never wanted to invade into anything private, not knowing how far into friendships i would make with them all. Which was undeniably comforting.
Looking down and pushing the powerbutton on the phone I sighed. 'Is he really mad over a gift right now?' This is stupid hes not even my boyfriend to be mad over a GIFT. Nothing more.
Ima find him though, then ima curse him the hell out because who the fuck did he think he was? Its not like He thought about that and went and got me a phone... what if - what if he didnt actually want me to have a phone. That is so ridiculous why would that be an issue Siren? Thats not it.
Walking around another corner I came up on two Highly fancy decorated glass doors.
Stepping closer I traced the design in amazement.
It was in my best description on the left side a winter blizzard but it looked calm and peaceful. On the other side was a city skyline. I wish I could just describe in detail how both amazingly beautiful each side was crafted. Both taking place at night with amazing stars.
Pushing on the door a bit to hard it flew back a bit giving me a quick glimpse of Kentrell sitting in a chair reading a book, however his neck for obvious reason snapped up to look at what was going on when the door pushed open.
Squinting his eyes he pressed his lips together. "How did you get here?" He asked just as the door flung closed. Clapping my hands together I stood straight. I heard kentrell get up and make his way over to the door opening it slightly. "How did you get here?" He responded again looking left to right. "Did yonny tell you?" He looked back at me. I rolled my eyes then looked up with a straight face. "No... I just... found it" I looked away from him. "Mhm, come on" he said stepping back and opening the door. I looked passed him into the room to see tools of all sorts on various tables and stools, along with a huge wall full of books. Towards the right of the room where Kentrell was sitting was his reading area im assuming. "This is comfy." I nodded my head lokking around. Kentrell stood at the door with his arms crossed looking over at me. "What do you want?" He asked sucking his teeth. I turned around looking at him. "I was just looking for you-" I paused catching his eye roll. "What the fuck is the issue?" Switching weight on his legs he spoke in annoyed tone. "You Seem to just flirt with everyone" he looked me up and down. Throwing my head back a bit in shock I cocked my neck sideways at him. "What the fuck do you mean?" Taking full offense to his words.
"You gunna fuck them too?" He looked me up and down with a disgusted look on his face.
Feeling hurt but pissed off at the same time I pushed passed kemtrell bumping his shoulder. "Fuck you, and fuck that date!" I stomped away.running back towards the entrance of the tunnels I took off full speed. It was the only possible way I was going to get out of here any quicker.
Once I got to my car I threw my backpack in the passenger seat letting out a frustrating scream.
"WHAT THE FUCK!" I slapped my wheel.
He really is going to act this way with me? Over something I didnt even know about? He had no fucking business talking to me like that. Like sure we Had sex, I was high, plus He came on to me shit im a grown woman.
'This fool got me fucked up'
Putting the key in the ignition I reversed out of the storage garage on to the dirt road leading to the highway.
"Bastard ass bitch" I mumbled to myself.
I was tired of all this back and fourth fumb bullshit with my life honestly. Like why couldnt anything or anyone be consistent in my life? Wiping some tears that fell I took a deep breath in...
... "NO ! SIREN AIM UP!" My father yelled as I shot again but missed the target. "Dad Im Hot!" I complained wiping my face blocking the sun from hitting my eyes. "Siren.. when a guy a trying to take advantage of you, or kill you even... he will not care if it is hot or understand that? My dad said standing behind me to position me right again. Interrupting his movement I turned around to face him "jeez dad im only 13, why you have to be so serious?" I asked confused. My dad looked at me for a moment. "Come sit down for a second Sweetheart."
"Ok" taking off my Gloves and ear muffs I sat on a tree stump just a few feet over.
"Siren honey, I train you hard because you never know what life is going to throw at you. I can protect you with my life but when I die who will Protect you, or your little brother and sister barley 5 and 6. You are a beautiful girl who needs to know how to protect Her self and her loved ones."
"Dad that wont be for a Long time" I smiled putting out a sandwich from my lunchbox. "Sweetheart that shouldn't matter.. be on stand by always... that means in all aspects Heart, mind, and body." My dad smiled at me holding his fist up. "Pound it" I gave him a fist pound and laughed. "Ok dad, ill train hard no matter what." Biting into my sandwich I chewed vigorously.
"Ah your mom is calling probably need to go pick the kids up from daycare."
He answred "hello?... yes love... ok, yeah shes here with me... of course.. we'll go now." He hung up "lets go before she throws a fit." He packed up our guns and safety gear...
...getting to my condos Car garage I found a parking space grabbing my bag getting out the car I locked the doors making my way to the entrance. Once I got to my door I took a deep breath in. Im going to have to move from here, I wont be able to handle coming here to an empty house all the time. It just wont feel right. Unlocking the door I walked in.
Looking at the living room I half expected Sebastian to be sitting there playing his game system. Slamming my front door closed i went to my counter top where I left my phone dumping my bag and its condiments out. Paper after paper along with the jewelry sat in front of me.
Picking up one of the loose papers from the stack I looked it over.

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