3 ➳Red and blue...

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➳ August 2005

Tony was allowed to see Peter only once in a while and for short minutes which was turning him mad because he couldn't hold and love his son as he wished he could.

Skylight just took the money and disappeared happily not even bothering to see Peter for once.The only ones who visited the baby were Happy, Rhodey and Carol.

It was so fun to see them bond with the baby.And Carol almost killed everyone when the baby started crying because Happy made him uncomfortable.

And as for Tony...he still wasn't used to how to keep a baby in his arms because the baby wouldn't stop wiggling.But he was taking parenting advice from a family friend who was a father himself.


➳Baby coming home...

The baby was coming home after a full month at the hospital.He would go to the hospital once a week and take analysis.The doctors said the baby would live but there were still chances of health complications and they had to be extra careful.

"Pepper!"-Tony yelled as fast as they entered the house.

"Coming Mr.Stark?"-Pepper answered.

Pepper was Tony's assistant and now the new babysitter.(No pepperoni in this book!).Her work was to take care of the baby day and night when Tony wouldn't be around,which would be a really small time because Tony couldn't leave the baby.Their bond was really tight and for Tony it would never change.

Pepper entered the place Tony was staying with the kid in his arms.She gasped at the beautiful eyes and smiled.-"Another mini-Tony Stark what a blessing and a curse!"

Tony laughed and handed the baby to her.-"He smells!"

"Is that because he's a baby!"-Pepper asked with irony.-"Give him to me and learn how to change his diapers."

"Do I have to do that!?"-Tony asked with a voice above a whisper.

"Yeah!He is your baby after all!"-She said and started to teach him how to change diapers and clean the mess.


➳A couple months later when the baby had started to notice colors....

"Baahh!"-The baby bubbled and giggled after a small explosion happened at the lab.

Tony and Petter looked just like they had returned from the third world war.

"Shhhh if Pepper notices I am dead!"-Tony talked to the baby awkwardly holding him.-"Is it bath time!"

"Tony I heard a noise!You didn't blow a lab again did you!"-Pepper said from upstairs.

"I didn't...I promise!"-Tony said awkwardly hoping she wouldn't come downstairs.

"Blaabl!"-Peter mumbled.

"I know.She'll kill me this time.You wanna take a hot bath little one?"-Tony said bopping his nose as he did some happy noises.-"Thought soo!"

Tony made his way upstairs hoping Pepper wouldn't notice them.They where both covered in black dust and smelled like carbonized wires.He opened the tap and filed the bath he threw a couple toys inside the bath and a bath bomb which Peter always loved.

"You like toys huh!"-Tony said as Peter took a red ball and a blue ball in his hands as always and giggled happily.-"You like red a blue?"

Tony took the toys from his hands and replaced them with a yellow and red.But Peter threw the yellow ball away and took blue again.Tony did the same with the red ball but Peter kept choosing the same.

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