18 ➳ Analysis!

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Peter was now laying in the med-bay bed taking some analysis with Bruce and Tony. They where trying to make sure he was healthy and his powers where under control. Surely these analysis would say everything about how and why he had these powers, probably even find out what Oscorp had used that made Peter this way.

"You are doing good!"-Bruce said as he took some blood samples to examine in the lab.-"The results will come out in a hour."

"Okay,"-Peter said a little scared but was trying to keep it calm.

"Peter are you okay?"-Tony asked when he noticed he was turning a little pale.

"Yes, I am fine... I guess just I hate needles."-Peter said covering his forehead.

"Nothing to be scared of, it's like a mosquito bite."-Tony said laughing a little to cheer him up a bit which totally worked by the way.

"So I was thinking on going on patrol is it fine if I go?"-Peter asked after the analysis where over.

Tony thought a little. He had no reason to keep him closed up in a tower like Rapanzel-"Sure but only for one hour though! I need you home by the results are out. Understood?" -He said with a father-like voice.

"YES! Thanks Mr.Stark! I will be here on time no matter what."-He said before running to get out of the med-bay.

He went straight at his room and called Ned aka 'his Guy in da' chair'.

"Ned I am going on patrol tonight!"-He said as soon as Ned opened his phone.

"DUDEEE! that's awesome! Let me find some crime for you!"-Ned said and Peter could hear him rush and knock things down until he reached his computer.

"Wait till I wear my new suit!"-Peter said getting out his suit and starting to wear it.

"I'll hack some city cameras and find some stuff for you to stop!"-Ned said excited more than Peter was.

Peter flew out of the window in his room, he felt his body go through the warm air of the night, he waited until the last moment and than shot a web starting to swing around from one building to another.-"Whooooooooohoooo!"-He said happy to be free and able to breath some fresh air.

"Hey Pete! Found something on the Fifth Avenu."-Ned said from the com and Peter was already on his way to stop crime.

"Copy that!"


A hour passed and Peter had already stopped some small crimes around New York and now the time to go-back had started to countdown.-"Ned thanks for tonight! Gonna' go back to the tower now."

"Wait. There is a bank rob just around the corner the police will take 10 minutes to come but by than they will be gone. I think you should check."-Ned said before Peter could hang up.

Peter though it for a minute maybe he could do this on his way home. It wouldn't probably take long.-"Okay this is the last one for tonight or Mr.Stark will give me detention."

"Okay dude!"-Ned said as Peter was swinging to the bank. It wasn't far so he made it on time to find the guys inside. They where wearing DC comic inspired masks.

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