0.5) prologue

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Info on character - I made this bitch as realistic as I could. She's a normal teenager with anxiety, awkwardness and insecurities. She's no model she's just your standard girlie with some cute features. You can make up however you perceive her to look in your heads xx

SPELLING MISTAKES - are unfortunate autocorrect! (If you spot a mistake please comment on it so I can fix it!)

The last thing I remember was the long gasp I took before I went underwater. I tried to scream for my mother and father but my head was already submerged before I got the chance. Ten minutes ago I was tucked into my bed in our cabin ready to sleep after my long day of sunbathing and reading. Ten minutes later I was choking on sticky breath as the freezing water bit my body. I tried to hold on but I couldn't, like a tonne of bricks my body disappeared into the depths of the cold ocean.
It happened so fast...I had heard a few of the cabin crew shouting to each other on the deck of the small cruise, 'It's a whirlpool!' One shouted frantically, 'Tell the cap'n to turn quick!' . Soon we were on deck and then under water just as quick. My eyes burn when I open them underwater to see if I can spot my parents as I slowly sink but all I see is the dark, daunting water as I slowly pass out.


Periodt ❤️

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