1) Where?

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Blink blink blink my eyes slowly peel open. They feel dry, like two strips of sandpaper rubbing against my naked eyeballs as they do so. What the?...how am I still breathing? Wasn't I sinking just a few minutes ago. 'Mum...' I mumble, my chapped lips hardly moving. 'Dad...'
I feel lifeless, like a fish out of water, like I can't move my body at all. I feel pity for all the fish me and my father used to catch when I was just a young girl. Is this how they felt? So out of place?
My hands find way under my chest and I slowly wrench myself out of the ground. My palms sense the grainy texture of sand or silt, I'm not sure which...my eyes are still burning from the harsh sun.
Sitting on my backside I rub them until I can see when I squint. "Huh...."
I'm seeing things. Surely this is a dream. Where did these tall, deep green trees come from? This free flowing lake that licks my ankles as I lie beached up in the sand?
My eyes cackle in their sockets as I rub them again and again until I realise this is not a dream...it's far from it.
It takes a lot out of me but I haul myself out of the dirt and look around. There's nothing but thick forestry before me, and a never ending lake behind me surrounded by monstrous mountains.
"What in the...."
I'm still wearing the black silk night gown I wore to bed except it's now destroyed with sand and is almost bleached white from being submerged in too much water.
I mumble my parents names as I look around almost afraid to make noise. I feel a strange sense of clarity, it's truly euphoric. Although my parents are no where to be seen I feel little worry. I feel somewhat safe? I must have been hit on the head badly.
I can already tell that I look a complete mess, there's no paraphernalia of any sorts around me that may have washed up with the wreckage. I'm not even wearing any shoes. My fingers comb through my hair as I prepare to walk through the dense forest before me . You never know maybe Tarzan will be in there.
Everything that happened even ten seconds ago feels blurry, like I'm in a fever dream. I can hardly even remember my own name what is it?
"Rhyia?" I almost ask myself out loud.
"Maria? No."
Through the woods we go.

Periodt ❤️

Changing opinions//Draco malfoyWhere stories live. Discover now