8) Suspicion

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*Draco POV*

There is something very much 'off' with that new girl. I could tell the minute that she walked into the great hall that something was off. She's definitely a mudblood, that's for certain, and I have never heard her second name in the Wizarding world before.

"I'm going to find out the truth about that little brat one way or another," I threaten as me, Crabbe and Goyle sit in the common room.
"Pfft my father will have an ear anyway that's for certain," I watched the two oafs wander around in front of me cluelessly, trying to study.

"I'm certain she's more than just a mudblood, I think she's a muggle." I hiss. That's got their attention.

"No way!" Crabbe exclaims.

"Muggles can't see Hogwarts let alone enter it." Blaise grunts from the corner of the room. "But your right. Something is off about the little Gryffindor bitch."

"Well wait until my father hears of it! He'll get to the bottom of it straight away. He's already got a file working up on Dumbledore already!" I roll my eyes and bite firmly into my green apple. |;)|

"Yeah! He'll get to the bottom of it!" Goyle sneezes loudly as he punches the air with his fist. I stalk over to the window in disbelief that these are the two I am stuck with.

The night is cold and dark and the moon is the only light source visible. Suddenly from out of the shadows across the court the Gryffindor common room balcony door opens and a figure steps out. I squint ignoring the conversations behind me.

"Hah!" I smirk as low and behold the newest addition to Hogwarts is the figure in question. I adjust my footing to get a closer look.

She doesn't look like a muggle, or a Gryffindor for that. She has long black hair for a start and cold pale skin. I study her as she paces back and forth on the balcony.

"What are you looking at?" Blaise asks as he makes his way over

"Nothing." I snap as I draw the curtain shut.
"Thought I saw something lurking through the deep night sky!" I shout as I throw a snake embroidered pillow at Goyle while he reads from his study notes.

"What! Hey!" He snorts as his pages fly everywhere and he attempts to grab my collar from the behind the sofa where I laugh.

"Come on then catch me!" I laugh as he chases me red in the face.



Breakfast is excruciating. I have been sitting alone at the edge of the table for ten minutes, dipping my spoon in and out of a cereal bowl with cereal that swims magically away from my spoon. I'm surrounded by what I have found out are the 'uncool' kids of Gryffindor. They have their heads buried in their books as they lap up the information. I rub my neck awkwardly. I want to talk to them, they seem like my people.

"Hi-" I turn to the girl beside me who is reading a book but she quickly gets up and walks off and the other studious beings around me follow her. Their noisy shuffling draws attention and I hang my head and begin eating to hide my face.

"Hi." I hear Cedric's voice as he sits down beside me. Happiness and relief floods my system as I turn to him.

"Hi." I smile trying not to tear up. All the emotions of the last day and a bit are catching up to me.

"Don't worry," he smiles reassuringly, "They'll come 'round, it takes a while for newbies to be accepted."

"Oh, okay great." I sighed. "I was beginning to think that there was something obviously wrong with me." I laugh nervously.

"No,no."he laughs.

"Hey, you have any free classes today? I'm going down to Hogsmeade I was wondering if maybe you, like to come?" He avoids my eyes and rubs his neck.


"Uhhhh....yeah, I'd love to but I'm - I'm actually really busy today. I have so much to catch up on so...yeah." I grab my books and arrange them as I prepare to leave.

"Oh-" he looks a bit shocked at my sudden departure and blushes ever so slightly.

"Yeah." I smile awkwardly as I stand up, followed by him.

"Well maybe you could use some help studying?" He suggests.

I cry internally at his thoughts. I am trying my hardest to avoid subjects that may lead to the reveal of my intense lack of wizarding skills AND knowledge but this boy is making it extremely difficult.

"Yeah?...yes, yes." I laugh nervously.

"Great!" He laughs. "Just uhm, I'll be in here, after last class if you..." he smiles and trails off.

"Yeah!" I laugh "okay."

"Great." He sniffles as he puts his hands in his pockets.

"I'll go." He smiles as he shuffles away slightly.

"Oi! Diggory! Get in!!" Someone shouts from the Hufflepuff table causing both of us to blush.

"My friend...sorry?" He bites his lip. "It's not like that, at all." He states.

I swallow the slight offence I'm feeling. "Okay yeah!" I laugh.

He laughs lightly and points in the direction he's going before he jogs back to his friends who greet him with roaring laughs and arm punches.

Terribly awkward.

I speed walk out of there and down a hallway following the route that Cedric took me yesterday.

Help me ! Help me! Help me!

A quiet voice suddenly ushers from above me.

I look up confused to see a little fairy type of flying object stuck in one of the torch holders. Thank god the torch isn't lit.

"Oh my!" I gasp. I use my pile of books as a booster and reach out for the little thing. It's a pretty little fairy of sorts, dressed typically. Her face wraps into a cute smile as I reach out to her.

Suddenly she lunges forward and bites the top of my finger viciously before she zips over my head towards the roaring laughter coming from around the corner.

I turn to see Malfoy and his friends turning the corner. The fairy creature lands on Malfoy's shoulder before disappearing as he clicks his fingers.

He grins menacingly at me as he fixes his hair. I examine my bleeding finger and the tiny teeth marks on it.

"She didn't seem to mind that diluted blood of yours," he jeers.

"Rumour has it you have befriended the king of Hufflepuff, strong move mudblood, it's clear Mr Diggory has been degrading since the school year began, he's really showing it off now." He laughed.

"Leave me alone." I huff angrily as I walk past him. He relentlessly follows my trail with his two bodyguards behind him. One plump once struggling to keep up.

"Where is your wand?" He raises his voice as all of our shoes squeak off the floor. "I haven't seen you cast any spell or answer any questions in class! Where is you wand!"

I lose him as I quickly near the potions class door. His hand reaches well above my head as he slams it closed almost catching my finger. I look up to meet his eyes. He's only centimetres away and I can smell his boujee cologne and minty undertones. His face twisted into a frown.

"My father is already onto you." He hisses. "He knows everything that goes on here and he will find out exactly who you are!"

"Well..." I half choke as I look away and then back up to him. "I wish him every bit of luck." I yank the door handle open and he moves his hand. I find a seat at the front of the class to avoid them.

Changing opinions//Draco malfoyWhere stories live. Discover now