The Training Arc And U.A Exam

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The next morning when the sun was barely going up, Escanor and Izuku sneaked out of the house and went to a beach. All Might had told Izuku to meet him there to help him train. Escanor was skeptical, and he knew he couldn't do anything since the sun was barely coming up. They got to the beach which was full of trash. But then All Might appear in front of them in his buff form. "Hello there young ones. I see you made it" he said. He look down and saw Izuku but next to him was a skinny boy. "Hey, where's the big guy?" All Might asked. "Oh, he's right here. His quirk only works when the sun is up" Izuku said. Escanor gave a weak wave and All Might was comparing himself to that skinny boy. 

"So, to transfer my quirk to you. I need to give you something from me" All Might said. Izuku's light up and said "What is it?" All Might took a piece of hair from himself and said "You need to eat my hair to get my power." Izuku's mouth dropped and Escanor gasped. "Brother, you can't do that. Who knows what it may contain" Escanor said. Izuku shook his head and said "I'll eat it." He grabbed the hair and put it in his mouth. Escanor looked away and he could hear Izuku swallow it. "Do I have your quirk now?" Izuku asked. All Might laughed and said "Why don't you try it out on this beach?"

They looked at the beach. It was crowded by trash and junk all over the place. The brothers remember the time their mother took them there and they had fun. They remember the time that Escanor splashed so hard, that they could see the ocean floor all dry up. Izuku went down to the beach and looked at a piece of junk. He got on a serious face and he put up his hands to punch the junk away. He put his hands on it and he started pushing. He looked and saw that it didn't even move yet. All Might looked confuse. "Maybe something went wrong" Escanor said. "Maybe, when I first got the power I had one hundred percent right away" All Might said.

Izuku was still trying to push the piece of junk and the sun was getting in the sky. Escanor saw it and his body started to change. All Might looked next to him to see a buff men that was taller than him standing next to him. "There's the big guy" All Might said. Escanor scoff and said "How dare you make my brother struggle for your entertainment." Escanor jumped to the beach and picked up the piece of junk for Izuku. He then throw it to the sky and they watch it leave the atmosphere. Escanor looked at his brother and Izuku was getting angry. "Escanor, I don't want you helping me. I want to do this by my self" Izuku said. Escanor looked shocked and looked at his brother. 

"If you don't want me to help you, then I'll go home" Escanor said. "Hold up big guy. You can actually help him unlock his quirk" All Might said. They looked at him and asked how. "Maybe in one to one combat can unlock the quirk" All Might said. Escanor looked at his brother and Izuku said "Lets do it."

Escanor had made space for them to train by throwing away lots of the garbage. Izuku kept telling him to keep some junk so he can get rid off it. Now the two brothers looked at each other. Escanor was straight ahead of Izuku. Izuku made a fist from his hand and he run up to Escanor. He started yelling and made the hardest punch against Escanor. He looked up at Escanor and saw he had made no expression from the punch. Izuku sigh and walked away from Escanor. "Maybe it'll come over the eight months we have" Escanor said. Izuku looked at him and agreed with him.

So, for the past eight months the brothers train for the U.A exams. Over time, both Escanor and All Might watched as Izuku was showing little by little of having a quirk. Escanor would sit down on the benches and watch his brother struggle to pull garbage from a rope. But Escanor was also training. He would throw little sun balls at Izuku and he even learn to make a huge on. All Might saw Escanor train, and realize the similarities between the two of them. On the last day, Izuku yelled in the air while being shirtless and a little buff. Escanor watched with a smile on his face. 

"Good work young ones. Now I have to tell you something" All Might said. The two brothers stood in front of him. "Izuku, you have a quirk that's been pass down by many heroes and now your its ninth user" All Might said. "Its known as One for All, and no one should not know anything about it, understand." Izuku nodded and Escanor sigh. "Well then, I wish you two good luck tomorrow" All Might said. Escanor and Izuku stayed at the beach and saw the ocean shinnying. "I can't believe the entrance exam is tomorrow" Izuku said. Escanor nodded and looked at his brother. "I know you can make it, don't let me down" Escanor said. Izuku chuckled and said "Well, that mustache you're growing better look nice on you." 

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