Estarossa: The New All For One

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When it was late in night, Kirishima and Todoroki were waiting outside. Soon, both Deku and Escanor walked out with Momo behind them. "Is everyone ready?" Krishima said. They nodded but then Ilda showed up. "I knew it, I knew you guys will still go" he said. Deku walked to him and said "Ilda we have to--"

Ilda punched Deku in the face, and Escanor walked up to him. "What was that for?" Escanor said. "You guys are idiots, don't you know what happen with me and my brother" Ilda said. He stood their and he said "I'll go with you guys, but we will not fight." They agreed and went out. They decided to get disguises, so no one could know who they were. They got out of the store with their disguises and saw Aizawa in the TV. He was addressing the kidnap of Kachan and the betrayal of Estarossa. 

"Poor mister Aizawa" Momo said. In the bar, the ten commandments were looking at the capture Kachan. "How about you join us kid, we see that anger in your eyes" Shigiraki said. Kachan was chain upped, so he can only make grunts. "Untie him" Zeldris said. Shigiraki went and untie him. Kachan fell to the floor and he backed up. He looked up and smile. "You think I'll join you freaks" he said. Zeldris sigh and pinned Kachan to the wall. He had his sword close to his neck and he said "Listen kid, I don't care what you pick but one of them at least keeps you alive." 

Then their was a knock on the door. "Pizza" a man said. "What's a pizza?" Zeldris said. "Its a food they eat" Estarossa said. But then the whole wall came down. All Might was their with a smile on his face. A group of heroes was outside and the Commandments watch them. Zeldris sigh and said "Commandments, kill them all." The commandments rushed at them and the league of villains went away. All Might passed all of them trying to save Kachan. But he disappear in front of him.

Back with the kids, they made it to the hideout. Inside they could see Nomu's being made. "This is where they make them" Todoroki said. Then a group of hero's arrive and crowded the entrance. "How ashamed" a voice said. Then the whole building was blown away. A man in a suit with a mask on was going to a hero. "You're power wouldn't help him" he said to him, before killing him. The League showed up with Kachan with them. "Where are the commandments?" All for One asked. "Their being bait for the heroes, like you ask" Shigiraki said. "Good, they'll be defeated by the heroes and I won't have to pay them."

"Ok, the plan is Todoroki will use his ice for Ilda, Deku, and Krishima to slide up. Kachan will trust Krishima so he'll go towards him. Me, Todoroki, and Escanor will stay here." And that's what they did. Todoroki shot up ice and Ilda used his quirk for the three of them slide up. They jumped off the cliff of the ice and Kachan saw them. He smile and started blasting up towards them. He hold out his hand and Krishima grabbed it. The plan was a success. 

"All for One!" someone shouted. From the air, All Might came down clashing with All for One. They stood in front of each other and All for One said "look how weak you've gotten." All Might growl and threw a punch at All for One. His mask break, revealing he had no eyes. "Still weak" he said. He punched All Might away and made the league of villains run away. The two men stare at each other and they were going to clash, when ten black portals appear. The Commandments appear and they looked at All for One. 

"Good you're here, help me finally take down All Might" All for One said. But he was stab in the guts by Estarossa. He groan in pain and said "How did you know I was going to betray you?"

"We didn't, we were going to betray you all along" Estarossa said. He shoved him to the ground and put his foot on him. All for One cried out in pain and All Might watch in horror. "Stop it now!" All Might shouted, running towards Estarossa. But while running, he stopped. He couldn't move and everything felt heavy on him. "My commandment is love. Those who have hate in their hearts, shall be powerless to hurt anyone else" Estarossa said, without turning around. He summon swords in his hands and shoved them onto All for One's chest.

All for One coughed out blood and Estarossa smile at him. "Now, for our reward" he said. He shoved his hand into All for One and pulled out his soul. He looked at his teammates and eat it. His stomach felt weird as he fell into his knees. He started coughing out blood and looked up in the sky. This whole tier time, they were being filmed by a news station. He made a smirk and teleported up them. On the helicopter, he looked at them and said "I want everyone to listen. The ten commandments are now the new leaders of the league of villains, and I'll shall be the new All for One." 

He jumped off of it and threw a dark flame at it, destroying it. He landed on his feet's and walked to his team. "Lets go home" he said. "Stop, villains" All Might said, still standing their. Estarossa stopped and turn around. He looked at Zeldris and Zeldris nodded. Soon, All Might was stab in the stomach by Zeldris. "Its a shame that you were the number one hero. You were not even difficult to kill" Zeldris said. All Might spitted out blood and he slowly lifted up his arm. He put it around Zeldris's head, trying to crush it. "Don't touch me human" Zeldris said, chopping off All Might's fingers. 

In one slash, All Might was dead. The number one hero was now dead and the main threat was now replace with a bigger threat. The commandments disappear and Escanor watch as All Might's body fell to the floor. "He's dead" Escanor said. Everyone in the whole city, watch All Might die.

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