Escanor Vs Estarossa

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The next day, U.A was attack. Estarossa was in the front entrance of the school killing any hero getting in his way. He slashed down a couple of more in front of him, then Aizawa appear. "Hello Aizawa" Estarossa said. Aizawa growl and used his quirk at Estarossa. When he did, every hero in the school rushed at Estarossa. Estarossa chuckled and he threw his swords at Aizawa. He was able to dodge it and still keep his eyes on him. 

Every hero was grabbing his arms and legs, making sure he couldn't escape. Estarossa sigh and Zeldris stab Aiazwa through the side. Aizawa fell to the ground and Zeldris kicked his face. Aiazwa had to close his eyes when he got kicked in the face. Estarossa twirl his body around, getting the hero's off of him. He walked up to Aiazwa and put his hand on his forehead. "Your quirk, is mine" he said, as he stole Aiazwa's quirk from him. Aiazwa fell to the ground and Estarossa said "Lets leave him, he's already weak without his quirk." 

Escanor was with Deku at their apartment. "We have to go help them" Deku said. "You fought him before, you can do it again." Escanor stood their watching U.A getting destroy. They heard a knock on the door and they went to answer it. On the doorway was Meliodas. "Yo Escanor, lets go save the world" he said. Escanor nodded and looked at Deku. "Don't tell mom about this" he said. Deku agreed and Escanor left.

He put on his golden armor and Divine Ax Rhitta. "We'll go deal with the other commandmendt, you'll deal with Estarossa" Meliodas said. Escanor nodded and went out. Estarossa was on top of the rumble that was once U.A. All the heroes in front of him, were frozen by his commandment. 

"How sad that everyone had hate in their hearts, where's the love?" he said. But then the floor shake. The heroes turn and saw Escanor walked up to him. 

A news station was filming this and spotted out Escanor. "Out of all the heroes, only one is able to get up to the villain" they said.

"Of course, I should've known my commandment wouldn't work on you" Estarossa said. "Of course it wouldn't, all I feel is pity" Escanor said, looking down at Estarossa.

 "Of course it wouldn't, all I feel is pity" Escanor said, looking down at Estarossa

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Estarossa smile and said "You know, I always wanted to fight you." Escanor smile as well. "My thoughts exactly." But he was surprised by an upper cut from Estarossa.

" But he was surprised by an upper cut from Estarossa

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