Bakugou's secret

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Warning: This chapter contains
Panic Attacks

Bakugou's Pov:

After being kidnapped by the league of villians I never had it easy. People keep asking me what happened but I just ignored all of them. At home wasn't much better, My mom started to punish me for getting caught and for being the weak person I am. I felt so helpless in the villains's custody. After everything that happened to All Might, my heart was torn apart.

I grew distant from others. I blame myself for everthing, I didn't want anything else to happen to the others. My mom was mad at me for not being as strong like she wanted me to be, and that's when...the beatings started.

My dad left when I was in middle school when she started beating me. She called it "Training" and "strengthen me up" but it really wasn't. No one knows about these beatings. Not even the teachers and I'm not telling anyone.
I can't....

Whenever I came to school injured I said a lie to everyone like "I was training in the dark." or "I was jumped again." Everyone believed the lies, all except me. If i was badly injured with a broken bone or something similar, I had to go the whole day without anyone knowing the difference. If my injuries hurt too much for me I would ask to go to the bathroom.

When I have to go to the bathroom cause of my injuries I head to one far away from my class. I'd always make sure it was empty before checking my wounds. This happens everyday we do combat training. Whenever I was partnered up with another classmate, I would bringing them away from the others. Depending on who's quirk used against me made it harder to dodge because I've gotten slower from all my doubting, injuries, and lack of sleep. Most of my partners never noticed, which I am grateful for.


I woke up to hear my blaring alarm, I sat up fast while clenching on to my shirt trying to catch my breath. I look at the time on my phone which said it was 6:00am, I have a few hours before school starts.

I get up then grabbed a towel and my uniform before heading to the bathroom. I turn the shower on cold then I got in. When I finished I brushed my teeth to my liking before getting dressed.

After getting dressed I walked out and noticed my mom's door was wide open which indicated she was awake. I quietly walked to my room grabbing my phone and bag. I quietly headed back to the hall then down the stairs. I was going to skip breakfast so I quickly went to the front door.

Soneone hits me in the the back which caused me to hit my head on the door. After I regained my balance I turned around to see my mom who didn't look happy. She threw punch to my stomach. I fell to the ground while holding my stomach in pain. She stomped hard on my free hand causing me to cry in pain. She kept her foot on my hand as she began to speak.

"Such a weakling. My son is the weakest in UA." She finally lifts her foot off my hand and kicks my face which hurt like hell. My cheek is gonna be swollen when I get to school. I thought to myself.
"Get going!" She Yells. "And you better not be late." She adds before walking away. She walks back to her room and closed the door as I stood up, leaning against the wall in pain. I stumbled my way outside and I headed to school.

When I got to school it was around 7:35am. I noticed I was really early but I didn't care. I was just happy because I made it to school. Then I noticed a few people from my class ahead of me like Sonic , Ponytail, and HotTopic. I followed them from behind because we go to the same class. I was walking while looking at my phone.

While walking, someone put a hand on my shoulder which freaked me out so I smacked the hand off my shoulder before I turned around to see Kirishima.

"What do you want Shitty hair?!" I yelled at him, I really hate yelling at him, I don't know how he can stand having me as a friend.

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