⁰⁵| Family Reunion {Part 1}

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The Slytherin Prince





~~~ August 1, 1990. Right where we left off ~~~

~~~ Harry's POV ~~~

This was going to be fun!

"Before you start plotting revenge there are other things that we need to discuss, like the reason we wrote to you and the reason your previous letters did not reach you," said Ragnok, suddenly solemn.

"First, we require you to take an inheritance test to form your Blood-bill, to confirm your identity and what your blood says about your true self even when hidden by powerful spells and potions, it cannot be fooled. It is a compulsory precaution, and a good one too, because may you never know if there are any other Lordships or Heirships that lay unclaimed in the bloodlines you might be related either biologically or through marriage of your ancestors" he explained.

I just nodded, not knowing what the heck an inheritance test was.

Griphook went to his desk and brought out a vial of shimmering liquid which I guessed was a potion. He also brought a gleaming gold and silver ceremonial dagger. "Cut your finger with the dagger and let seven drops of your blood fall into the vial". I did as he said and watched the impressive magic work. Ragnok took the dagger and used the hilt to tap three times on the cut and I watched dumbfounded as the cut healed itself without leaving a trace.

As I dropped seven drops of my blood into the vial, the potion inside shimmered and changed colour extremely quickly. From Green to Red, to purple to blue, bronze to silver. Finally, it settled into a sparkling Gold colour that left the Goblins awe-struck.

Griphook spluttered. SPLUTTERED. For the first time since I met him, he behaved without his inhuman(because he's a Goblin) sense of poise and control or his mask of calm. He spluttered for words to say but none seemed to form in his mouth.

So he just turned to gape at Ragnok.

"What is the problem Director?" I asked, as patiently as I could. Ragnok explained to the best of his ability, "The colour of the potion is different for everyone. No two people alive ever have the same colour. One can have a colour of someone long past, but it is extremely rare".

"The colour represents the magical ability of the person. Shades of Brown is usually Squib level to extremely low power. Shades of Green and yellow are the normal power ranges. Shades of Oranges and Red are higher than average power range. The previous ones are the common ones. But the metallic colours are the ones that are the most powerful".

My mind was already racing at this point. But Ragnok kept at it, "Shades of Bronze is like one in a thousand. But you have to remember that the numbers of Wizards are going down, so that is a big number. Shades of Silver are rarely seen nowadays. Albus Dumbledore, the only Wizard ever feared by the Dark Lord is Silver, just like the Dark Lord himself. But there has only been one Gold in the History of Wizardkind - The Dark Mage Merlin".

Now it was my turn to be dumbstruck. Merlin, the greatest wizard to ever live. More powerful and wise than the Founders themselves. Advisor to King Arthur Pendragon.

And I was the only one to match him in magical strength, EVER. I couldn't believe it.

"Well let's keep this to ourselves" I try to say nonchalantly. But they catch on quickly and grin, making me groan. This time they just smirk at me knowing that I tried to act careless but failed miserably. No trick could get past Goblins, who were masters at the art of trickery.

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