part 2 <3

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I stood before Malfoy and he got to his feet. He was half a foot taller than me, so when he stood up he towered over me. 

"So you're Potter's new protecter" He spat out, "Poor little Alatar has a crush on Harry Potter." 

"Now you've really lost your mind." I was shocked by this outrageous accusation. I could hear footsteps and I silently prayed that when I turned around it wasn't going to be Harry. I didn't want him getting the wrong impression, because I truly didn't have a crush on him. 

But when I turned around it was someone unexpected. Cedric Diggory stood behind me tall and buff. His muscles  poking out of his unbuttoned. He stood there, handsome as ever, defending me.  "Leave her alone Malfoy."Cedric said in a threatening tone.  

Malfoy looked amused by his act of heroism. "Or what Diggory? You I had you wrong y/n. YOUR A PLAYYERRR. She wants Potter and Diggory!" He shouted at the top of his lungs, which caught the attention of none other than Harry Potter himself. 

Harry marched here trying to see what the commotion was all about but by that time, Draco and Cedric had their wands pulled on each other.

"Stop it you guys! Cedric, leave him. He's not worth it." My voice cracked as I attempted to hold back the tears. Every eye in the courtyard was on us. And while Draco was flourishing in the spotlight, I was not. But luckily for me, McGonagall came by to see what the commotion was and put a stop to the fight. 

"Boys. BOYS. Either settle down or get detention. For a week." McGonagall exclaimed. 

The boys slowly lowered their wands knowing that the consequences weren't ones that they wanted to face. Immediately, I sprinted to the prefects bathroom on the 5th floor. This was my safe space. My sister who was a prefect last year shared the passwords with me and ever since then, this place has been my little spot. 

Since there are only 4 prefects, majority of the time it's empty. I closed the door behind me and drew a bath. I stripped down and slowly entered the bath tub. I pulled out my potions book and tried to relax. I was trying to get the whole situation out of my mind. The bubbles had a calming effect on me but all that was shattered when I heard the door open. I rushed to put my book down and use the bubbles to cover myself. 

"Hello?" I called in a shaky tone. 

From the darkness emerged Cedric.


                                      I will post the next part either later today or tomorrow. 

                                                                                 stay tuned!

                                                                                 - Prianka <3

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