part 22 <3

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His voiced echoed in the empty hallways of my house, rattling my bones along with the walls. 

"Back off man. She's my girlfriend." Cedric boomed back.

Draco stormed over to us and in one swoop pulled out his wand and placed it at Cedric's neck.

"You brought your wand to a formal even? What the hell man?" Cedric croaked, his voice soaked with terror. 

Draco simply smirked at him with the tilt of his head and responded, "I'm always prepared." He continued, "If you EVER lay a hand on her, I will end your sorry little life."

"Draco stop! Please!" I cried out with desperation in my eyes. "It was just an argument okay? I'm fine I promise!" 

Draco's arm slowly lowered and Cedric straightened up immediately. 

"What are you? Her protector or something?" He shot at Draco and then turned to me. "Is this your new boyfriend? That must be why you've been acting so shady."

"You have no right to talk about shadiness." Draco spat back and then whipped his head around to gesture at me. "Or does Y/n already know about that day in Meadows  Park?"

I looked desperately between Cedric and Draco searching for an answer but their eyes were glued on each other. 

"What is he talking about Cedric?" I questioned desperately. "What is he talking about?" 

At this point tears were swelled up in my eyes to the point where Cedric's face was all blurred. 

"Do you want to tell her or should I?" Draco questioned without removing his eyes from Cedric. 

"Tell me what Cedric? Draco tell me now!" I demanded.

Draco still kept his eyes on Cedric and raised his eyebrow in challenge.

I grabbed him by the shoulders and shook him as violently as I could. " TELL ME WHAT." 

"That your boyfriend, has another girlfriend." Draco said slyly.

Honestly, it wasn't that hard for me to believe. But I didn't want it to be true. My head was spinning, my hands shaking, and my heart was broken. 

"Y/n, she's not my girlfriend, okay? It was a kiss and it was an accident. I just got swept up in th-"

I physically couldn't handle hearing this any second longer. The loud sounds of the music inside were now muffled, and I had completely tuned out Cedric. A peacefully numb feeling came over me as I dried my tears. I straightened my back and walked out of the hallway without looking back. I could hear them calling my name but I couldn't care less. I just wanted to be alone. I felt suffocated in this dress and within these walls. I went to my room, changed out of my dress, opened the window and climbed outside. I sat on the roof feeling the cool air refresh me and I felt calm. But my mind wandered back to the moment those words left Draco's lips. The tears I was fighting so hard to contain, were now pouring out of me uncontrollably. I laid my head back and closed my eyes. The faint thumping of the music downstairs served as a method to put me to sleep. So there I was, heart broken, in denial, on top of the second story roof. 

who to choose? pov: reader/ x readerWhere stories live. Discover now