part 20 <3

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At first glance, his expression seemed gentle, but there was something he was hiding. He didn't look sad, angry, guilty nor happy. He just looked composed. I wanted to enjoy the night I had been looking forward to for so long. I would not be able to do that if Cedric and I had this talk right now.

I slipped my hand out of his and groaned, "Do we have to do this now? Why can't we just enjoy the night and do this tomorrow?"

He looked annoyed a relieved at the same time. He flashed me a fake smile, huffed his chest, and followed his parents into the dining hall that connected to the ballroom.

For another 10 minutes, I was stuck on welcoming duty. There were a lot of Hogwarts kids who looked vaguely familiar. I just wanted to have a simple night of old-fashioned fun. I was anxious to get inside to the party so I could keep an eye one Draco and Cedric. The last thing I need is for them to get into a fistfight.

Distracted with my thoughts, I didn't realize that I was standing in front of a familiar face. Cho Chang. She stood in front of her parents with wide smiles plastered on their faces. Our interaction was brief and boring. It was nice to see someone I was somewhat acquaintance with. Over the years, Cho and I never really talked more than 4 sentences to each other, but I would love to be friends with her. She seemed like a lovely person. And I'm sure Cedric thought so too. They seemed close. And any friend of Cedric should be a friend of mine.

Once that was over I found my way inside the dining hall. The room was vibrant with chatter and the food was looking exquisite. We usually eat after the ballroom dance, but I snuck a few chocolate truffles off the platter. Very soon, my dad gave his concise welcoming speech. Throughout the speech, Cedric kept glancing at me, and Draco kept glaring and Cedric. There was so much tension in the room. It was as if we were the only 3 people in the room and I could tell that tonight wasn't going to be as simple as I had hoped.

As my dad's speech ended, he opened up the dance floor. He took the honor of the first dance by gracefully taking my mom's hand and leading her to the center of the crowd. The music hummed in the back. It was a beautiful, tradition song. Probably composed by Mozart or Beethoven. They waltzed around the floor in swift motions and after 1 full minute of observing, people from the crowd joined in. I realized that as the host's daughter, I was expected to dance. My eyes darted for Cedric but his eyes didn't dart for mine. I saw him looking at Cho and her looking back at him. When his eyes came back to me he looked guilty. He got hastily and sped-walked out of the room while keeping his head down. 

I didn't know what I had just witnessed. I was about to follow him out the door when I saw a hand extended in front of my face. I traced the hand back to Draco. I looked up at his face to see him wearing a gentle expression.

"May I have this dance?" He asked.


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Thank you, -Prianka <3

who to choose? pov: reader/ x readerTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang