part 4 <3

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"Ahhh! I exclaimed as I bumped into him. "Watch where you're going Malfoy."

"Ooooo, someone's fiesta today, did your boyfriend put you in a bad mood?" He said slyly. He wore his usual evil smirk as he snickered at me wincing from the pain.

"Shove off Malfoy. The joke is getting old. And besides don't you have anything better to do?" I replied in retaliation.

"It's not a joke y/n. I know something is going on between you and Diggory. I saw the little kiss you planted on his cheek." As the words left his mouth, our eyes met. I don't know if I was hallucinating but his face seemed to soften.

"It was a hug. That's all. And besides, it's none of your business."

At these words, I could see him straighten up and his face hardened once again. "Whatever. You don't deserve him, you filthy half-breed." He spat in my face.

My rage boiled deep inside of me and I wanted nothing more than to knock him in the face. I took two angry steps forward ready to punch him, but he grabbed me by my fists and pinned me against the wall. I tried to free my wrists but it was no use under his strong grip. My body went limp. His face was 2 inches away from mine. Our bodies were so close that I could practically hear his heartbeat. I could feel his breath on my face.

"What are you playing at Alatar?" he growled.

He stared me in my eyes. I gulped. I was petrified. I couldn't move. I was too afraid to use my voice in case it might fail me. My heartbeat increased as I noticed his lips were an inch away from mine.

He let go of my wrists but my hands stayed there. He slowly backed away. I quickly returned my hand to my sides and my breathing returned to normal. I cleared my throat. In this blur of a moment, he seemed kind. Like if he wanted to, he could comfort me and make all my problems melt away. I started to walk away as I felt a tug at my wrist and was pulled back. Draco looked at me and said 2 words, "Why him?"

I shook my wrist free.I was taken aback. "Is there something that you're trying to tell me?" 

He was flustered by my question. It was almost...cute.

"Haha no. Wha- what are you blabbering on about? Why? Is there something that you're trying to tell me?" Draco responded in a nervous fit. He looked me dead in the eyes and I searched his for an answer.

"Nope, nothing comes to mind," I uttered meekly.

"That's what I thought." He spat at me. His posture, his tone, and his face had all gone back to normal. And standing in front of me was the Draco Malfoy everyone knew and hated. He whipped his cloak around and strutted down the corridor. I still stood at the intersection where we had our little moment.

But before turning the corner, Draco looked back at me sypathetically. It was only a glance. But that glance hit me like a wave.

Draco Malfoy had a crush me. 


who to choose? pov: reader/ x readerWhere stories live. Discover now