part 15 <3

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Draco bringing me the dress reminded me that I might not get to wear it at all. I went to go talk to my mum about it. If dad wasn't feeling up to it, there would be no banquet. Which was fine with me honestly. I just want dad to feel better.

"Mum, where are you!" I called out.

My dad responded, "Sweetie she's gone out for lunch with Narcissa. Is there anything I can help you with?"

"Oh um," I stuttered. I didn't want to seem selfish or for him to interpret the following question in the wrong way. "It's about the banquet."

His face stayed the same.

"Is it still going to happen?" I gently questioned.

"Of course it is sweetie! Why do you ask?"

"Because of what happened..." I answered hesitantly. "Are you sure you're feeling up to it?"

"My darling, you worry too much. I am fine. I promise." He kindly expressed and exited the room after kissing me on my forehead.

I felt kind of guilty. I didn't know if I was pressuring him into going and I did not want his health to be affected. I was distracted by a knock at the door. I opened the door and my mouth fell open. It was Cedric! I had completely forgotten that he was supposed to come over today. I jumped into his arms and he hugged me back. He was seemed warm and loving but there was something off. I decided that I wanted that discussion to occur alone and not with my dad around. He let go of me quicker than I had expected and went to go accept a handshake offered by my father. I plastered on a smile and tried to act like his actions hadn't affected me at all.

"So Cedric," My fathered pestered, "What have you been up to this summer?"

Cedric answered with ease, "Oh the usual. Spent a lot of time in the pool and I hung out with my friends."

"Dad, can Cedric and I be excused? I missed him so much and I want to spend time with him. Alone." I emphasized.

"Oh, it's okay y/n. You can wait a couple more minutes." Cedric shot back at me.

I tried to brush it off and pay attention but I was thrown off by his behavior. Maybe I was reading too much into things or maybe I was just overthinking. He was displaying hostile behavior and it made me feel horrible. I zoned out for the rest of the conversation until my dad finally gave in a left us. We walked to my room in silence. I was going to find out what was going on. We entered my room and I closed the door behind him.

I turned around and spat, "What is up with you?"

He stayed silent for a second and then responded, "What do you mean?"

It was obvious that he was trying to avoid eye contact and I was not having it. "There is something that you're not telling me. We can't have secrets, Cedric. Just spit it out.""Oh I'm the one with secrets," Cedric mumbled.

"What are you trying to say?" I asked in a fiery tone.

"You're the one that's keeping things from me!" He yelled as he got his feet and challenged me with his eyes.

"What made you think that?" I asked backing down because I was genuinely confused.

He took a step closer and spat aggressively in my face, "What am I supposed the think when I pull up to your house and I see Draco Malfoy walking out?"

who to choose? pov: reader/ x readerWhere stories live. Discover now