part 18 <3

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I don't even remember what happened after my fight with Draco. I just went home and crashed. There was too much drama in my life and I just wanted to forget. With the blink of an eye, 9 hours of sleep had passed and it was the next day; the day of the banquet. I was not excited to see Cedric nor Draco. The day that I had once been so excited for, was now the day I was dreading.

Whenever my family hosts events, my mom hires hair and makeup dressers to pretty us up. So I awoke knowing the drill. I went downstairs to my mum's bathroom and there was the crew. I sat down in my chair and dozed off as they washed my hair and painted my face. This ritual was therapeutic. 

I had never been a fan of caking on makeup so I asked them for a natural look. After giving me an hour-long facial, they applied tinted BB cream to my face, the waxed and plucked my eyebrows, and they applied highlight to all the high points of my face. I looked in the mirror and I was surprised at how good I looked. I hadn't been putting in that much effort into my appearance lately and I had forgotten how petty I could be. When they finished with my hair and makeup the time was 3:00 pm.

The banquet wasn't until 6:00 so I made myself scarce and found something to pass the time. I found myself in the library. Reading was had a calming effect on me. I found joy in emerging myself in a different reality. To live a snippet of someone else life while still maintaining my own.

At the sound of footsteps, I looked up from my book to find my dad standing in the doorway.

"Y/n, shouldn't you be in your dress? The Banquet is only a couple of hours away from now."

I looked at the watch on my wrist and saw the time was. It was 4:30. "I'll do that right away father," I replied.

He exited the room with a smile on his face and went back to commanding the minions running frantically around the house.

I still had a dress dilemma. I didn't want to give Draco the satisfaction of wearing his dress when I know he did something to sabotage me and Cedric. So I decided to wear a different dress.  

This dress was my second favorite out of the other dresses we had purchased

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This dress was my second favorite out of the other dresses we had purchased. I went back downstairs to my mother's bathroom to find the crew on their break. At the sight of me, they jumped back to work. I eased them and told them that I was here for my shoes. I grabbed the pair of golden shoes with the ankle strap and headed back upstairs. I opened my closet and picked out the dress. As I slipped it on, I heard the doorbell ring. I looked at the clock on my bedside table and the time was 6:10. The first guest was here. I admired the dress in the mirror and headed out of the room. As the only child of the house, it was my duty to welcome the guest. So I made my down to my rightful place.

And the night began.


Sorry that this chapter wasn't as eventful. Thank you for the love and support on the story though. Thank you so much and don't forget to vote!!

-prianka <3

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