part 10 <3

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My mom informed me that she and Narcissa Malfoy had become quite close friends. Even the name Narcissa frightened me. She seemed as evil like her husband. Lucious Malfoy had long flowing platinum blonde hair, the same color as Draco's, and was rotten to the bone. He had screwed up morals and pressed them onto Draco. It made me think, maybe if Draco had a better family, he wouldn't be so mean all the time.

Well, in other words, there was a week to prepare for the banquet. One of the most important parts of the event was the dance. We had a huge ballroom designed especially for this event when we first bought the house, and recently we have had it renovated. I was pumping with excitement, mainly because I couldn't wait to see Cedric. We've been writing back and forth, but that's been starting to slow down. All we need is to see each other face to face and everything will be back to normal.

I was in the library enjoying my morning coffee with a novel when my Mum called to the kitchen. "Darling, breakfast is ready!"

"I made my way to the kitchen with my nose buried in my book and sat down at the table without making eye contact. The book was too good to put down. My parents were making small talk while enjoying their croissant when I heard the name 'Malfoy'.

I jerked my head up and questioned, "What did you say about the Malfoy's?"

"Oh, I was just telling your father that the Malfoy's will be joining us at the Banquet this year," Mum answered.

My eyes widened at this response. I did not want Draco Malfoy in my house at all. "Mum," I whined. "But Draco's such an ass."

"Don't use that language in my house young lady. And I'm sure Draco is a fine boy. Besides, it would be rude of me not to invite Narcissa and her family to see how we have grown so close."

"It would be rude of you to invite them seeing as he's the bane of my existence!" I spat.

"Your such a drama queen y/n," Mum scoffed at me. "You just going to have to deal with it."

I was pissed off. I was not gonna let that lousy git walk around my house and not say anything about it. I pushed my chair back and exclaimed rudely, "Suddenly I'm not so hungry." I turned around and stormed away.

"You'll come around!" Mum called after me.

I was eagerly looking forward to this day, I dreaded it. The only thing that got me out of bed for the next few days was the idea of seeing Cedric's face. 


If you've kept on reading, thank you so much! It truly means a lot to me. 

Also, please don't forget to vote!   - Prianka <3

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