part 17 <3

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I knocked on his plain white door and nobody answered. I pushed open the door to find him shirtless but I didn't care. He looked startled but I was too angry to consider his feelings.

He scrambled to find a shirt I but I pushed him. "What did you say. Huh?"

"Y/n what are you talking abo-?"

"What did you say to Cedric! Why does he think that I cheated on him with you!" I pushed him again. "Why can't you let me be happy?" I kept pushing him as him tears swelled up to the point where I could barely see his face.

"Y/n you don't want to do this. Just calm down." He calmly replied as he kept backing up while taking the punches.

"No Draco. I want to do this." I heard a thud and I realized I backed him up into a corner. "I want you to tell me why you somehow manage t-" 

He didn't let me finish my sentence. Instead, he grabbed me by my waist and pinned me on the wall and at the same time took hole of wrists and held them down. "Y/n. Calm down. Talk using your words not your fists."

If it were normal circumstances I would be shocked by our closeness in the moment but instead I growled, "What did you say to Cedric?"

He let go of my wrists and backed off me. "I have no idea what you're talking about." He teased.

"Draco I'm not joking. Why does Cedric think that I'm cheating on him?" I demanded.

"Are you?" He asked genuinely

Why did everyone think I would cheat on him. I couldn't believe that people thought of me like that. 

"Of course not you dimwit. But Cedric has that impression and I've got a gut feeling that this has something to do with something you said. So out with it." I challenged.

"It almost seems like you're afraid. Is there something you don't want Cedric knowing?" He inquired. How did he somehow manage to turn this on me? 

I was fed up of this game. "No Draco, I just want to know what you said to get him so riled up."

"He has no right to be mad about anything." He uttered under his breath.

"What?" I asked hoping to hear him say it again for reassurance.

He replied quick and hasty "Nothing. You should go."

"You are so infuriating!" I spat as I left the room and slammed the door behind me. 

I stormed out of the house and didn't even say goodbye to Narcissa. And with that, I speed walked to my house 

who to choose? pov: reader/ x readerWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt