part 16 <3

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I don't know why but that got me flustered. I didn't realize that he saw Draco coming out of my house.

"Do you not trust me?" I asked taken aback.

He stood silently but his eyebrows furrowed. "Is there something going on between you and Draco?"

"What?" I answered shocked by the question. "Why on-"

He cut me off in a burst of rage and screamed, "Are you cheating on my with Malfoy?"

"NO," I screamed back.

"Then why was he here? To have a chat with your dad?" He interrogated.

My hand went straight to my forehead to try and ease the headache that his yelling was causing. I didn't want to tell him about the dress because he might take it the wrong way. "He just came over to ask if my dad was okay. He had a heart attack."

Cedric froze. The last time I wrote to him an owl was before I went dress shopping. And after what happened with my dad, I forgot to write to him. This was the first time he was hearing this news.

"Y-your dad didn't mention that earlier," Cedric said doubtfully.

I could not believe it. I told him that my fricking dad had a heart attack and he continues to interrogate me as if I'm lying.

"What the hell is wrong with you Cedric?" It was more of a statement than a question. I looked him in my eyes and stated, "I am not cheating on you. I love you. And you can come back when you remember that."

"Come back?" He asked.

"Yes," I replied sternly. "Get out."

I never talked like that. I was always the one to accommodate. But not this time. Just because I talk to a guy doesn't mean I'm cheating with him. If that were the case, Cedric's cheated on me multiple times and he would never do that. He picked up his backpack and exited my room. He looked back at me but I couldn't keep eye contact without tearing up. I slammed the door in his face and I watched from my window as he walked down the street and turned the corner. Why was Cedric so thrown off by Draco? He knows that I'm faithful and that Draco are practically rivals.

Then it hit me. Draco is a smartass, and he might have told something to Cedric to poison I=his mind. That foul little git. My resentment washed over me like a tsunami and before I knew it I was knocking down his door. I tried to keep it together in case his parents opened the door. Thank god I did because Narcissa was the one to open the door. "Y/n dear! What a surprise!""It's nice to see you too but I have to talk to Draco. It's urgent." I replied hastily.

"Oh, he's upstairs in his room. 3rd door on the left." She smirked, not realizing the premise of this situation."Thank you," I called as I rushed up to his room.

who to choose? pov: reader/ x readerWhere stories live. Discover now