part 11 <3

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There were 2 days left until the big day. But today was a big day itself. I had to pick out my dress. I loved dress shopping. Shopping in general was one of my favorite hobbies. Usually, my date would be the one to accompany me on this journey, but Cedric couldn't come due to some personal reasons. Mother insisted that we shouldn't go dress shopping alone and invited Narcissa to come. Of course, Narcissa just had to bring her git of a son, Draco. I tried everything to get out of it. I faked getting sick, I threw multiple tantrums, I even purchased a product from the Weasly twins that would supposedly, get my out of "sticky situations". I never got around to using it though. I chickened out.

So when today rolled around I told my mom, "If you make me go, I will not talk to you. Ever again."

My mother saw this as an empty threat. And deal down, I did too. I could not hold a grudge for shit. Draco was another thing tho. I didn't hate him... I just didn't enjoy his presence, or the way he acted, or the fact that he made my life a living hell. Okay, maybe I hated him a little. But he's the only person.

I saw a shiny black limo pull into our driveway and through the car window, I saw his platinum blonde hair, bright as ever. We stepped outside and I looked over to Narcissa to greet her."Hello Mrs. Malfoy, it's a pleasure to meet you!" I exclaimed, bearing a fake smile while extending my arm for a handshake.

She looked genuinely pleased with my invitation and said, "Oh dear, handshakes are too formal. And please, call me Narcissa. Come here!" She pulled me in for a tight hug.

She seemed way too nice to be Draco's mother. I thought she'd be a lot scarier.

Narcissa pulled away and looked at my mother with glee in her eyes.

"It's been too long Valorie." She said as she gave my mother a tighter hug then she gave me.Draco stood two steps below her on our front porch. He glared at me. He didn't want to do this just as much as I didn't. We got in the limo and I sat with my back to the driver's compartment. Draco was diagonal from me, and I did everything I could to avoid eye contact. There was no need for this to be any more awkward than it was.

Mum and I had 5 stores that we always went to, so we started at the first shop. The dresses looked amazing per usual, but nothing seemed to catch my eye. The Mum's and I settled on a red dress that ended at my knees. It frilled out at the end and formed a beautiful circle around me. It was gorgeous but not the best I had seen. We went through our shops as normal and throughout it, Draco stood in a corner far away from the dressing rooms. I assume he was thinking about how much he hates his life and he ended up in this store with me. We finished our business at all the stores but Narcissa insisted that we had to see this other place. From the looks of it, she had good taste in stores. The entrance was grand with a rotunda in the center. A beautiful chandelier hung at the highest point of the store. There were dresses strategically placed throughout the store. Mum and I wore the same look of shock on our faces. Out of the corner of my eye, a glimmer of something shiny caught my eye.

who to choose? pov: reader/ x readerWhere stories live. Discover now