Wow, this date is just

35 18 3

We went to McDonalds where it was pretty hard to not tell them to make my fries blue or something else. Whenever I tried to say anything related to that, Percy would squeeze my hand hard as a warning. Ugh.

Finally, we ordered two burgers and two L fries and found a seat in the corner near a Domino's.
I was devouring my fries, why weren't they blue!?
Percy asks "Just asking, what do you think they will teach us in the new school"
I reply, annoyed (I hated it when someone disturbed me while eating) "Magic. Most prob"
"Ikr! It would be cool"
"Yeah, can u pls let me eat"
He sighs "okay, u enjoy".
Then we remain quiet untill we finish eating.
"So, what do u think about this date" Percy asks.
"Horrible, and FYI this was not a date" I snap.
"Aww" he blushes.
"What the fuck?!"
"When you r angry, u look like you can kill anyone, but to me, u look cute"
"Am I angry right now"
"Yup, that's y u look cute"
"So, according to yr information, I can kill PPL when I am angry, so I guess I can kill u"
"Oh u wouldn't"
"Oh I will"
Beep beep.
We reached for our phones:
On my screen it read :
We have Jack. If you want to see him alive, come to Long Island Sound.
"Oh no, this is bad" I say
"Yes it is"
We had forgotten about him. We were so tangled in our things that we didn't remember him. And now he is kidnapped. Oh no. I have to help him.
"Get yr cycle" I say.
"Good, let's go to long Island Sound"
"U got the same msg?"
We exchange our screens.
"Yup" he says.
"Let's go" I say.

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