I hate life, or do I love it

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We all laugh. But I still feel guilty. We are doing nothing but delaying. We have to get to him, even if it means we have have to climb mount everest, we have to. He is a friend. A loyal friend.
The rest of our bus trip was just like that- laughing, joking, hitting and killing.

We finally reach Long Island Sound, and as estimated, we were given a few cycles to roam around the wild and enjoy "You guys can enjoy, but don't go beyond the boundaries" the tour guy says. I don't care. As long as we are saving a friend and no longer delaying, idc.
"Get ready amigos" Percy says.
We walk towards the garage where the cycles were kept. We could choose any one cycle and have fun for 2 hours. It might be long for us. I take my phone and message dad:
No worries of the incident last night, but confront me later, also if the tour guides tell u anything about us missing, tell them that we went to our relative's place. Will explain later, gtg bye.
I actually spoke it and the translator did the job.
Then we go grab our cycles.
I take a look around the garage which was impressing huge and had a lot of Graffiti art on the black walls. I admired art as much as I admire my mouth. The enormous room was filled with many different types of cycles- geared, non-geared, small, big, almost every size! It was amazing. I eye each and every of the cycles- hmm, something blue and black, big (as I am tall), geared.
Then my gaze falls on a cycle on the left corner- a blue and black cycle with 24 gears and a gigantic size. "Perfect" I mumble as I go towards it. It was covered in dust, as if everyone had ignored this beauty, which they had of course. I cursed them for being so cruel to the cycle. When I looked around at the other cycles, they looked well cleaned and greased, but not this one.
"Wanna get a makeover" I say as I give it a wash. I get some oil, cleaning cloth and water in a bucket from the garage store room. Then, I start cleaning this beauty.

"Amazing" Percy stares in awe towards my direction. His cycle was a big grey one with 14 gears.
"I know right" I say and it sit on the now very beautiful, well greased and clean cycle.
"Oh cool af, amigos" Skylar comes with his bright yellow, petite (like him) cycle. According to me, it had 20 gears and looked like a cycle which the people used at the Olympics excluding the fact that it was a very bright yellow- almost like golden.
"Nice choice Sunshine" I say to annoy him.
"Same goes to u mf" he mumbles.
Then, I look at Percy "Not bad, Idoitic boy".
He looked flattered, as if he had never seen a cycle like this before. I don't know why, but he kept staring my cycle like it may burst into flames anytime.
I break the silence "Ready for an adventure everyone" I say as optimistically as I could.
"Yeah, let's go" the bois growl in agreement.
We take our seats and then set off into the wilderness of Long Island Sound.

We hadn't crossed the boundaries when I receive a text message, I stop my cycle and read it:
Looka like you are in Long Island Sound, if you want to see Jack, then come to the McDonalds on Blueberry street till night. Or else...

I frown. How did these people know that we were in LIS? Did Percy also get the message?
"Guys" I shout, grabbing their attention. They turn back and come towards me.
"Percy" I eye him subconsciously "did u get any message right now?"
"Idk if I did, my phone's battery is dead"
I sigh and show them the message.
Skylar frowns "Wherever this McDonalds is, we have to get there asap."
We all mumble in agreement.
"Search the address in Google maps" Percy suggest.
"Okay, Smarty pants" I say and search the address. A weird question: what was Jack doing in a McDonalds? But, all that matteres to me right now is saving him.

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