Its the circle of life! Nope, circle of death

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"Are you sleepy?" Percy(friend) asks me.
"Nah" I say, "but is dumb lil Percy sleepy?"
"Nope" he says popping the p. "I think we should get some rest before" he sighs
"Before what?"
"Before you know?.." he looks away
"Before what?" I scream this time.
"Before our quest dumbo" he says.
"How can you be so sure?"
He sighs "I don't know, its like a feeling I am getting".
"Whatever" I say. The later the quest the better, cause we need training.
"Your order has arrived!" Will announces as the appears from the shadows.
"Gimme" I shout and snatch it from his hands. I start running away but Nico had already caught the hem of my t-shirt and didn't allow me to run.
"My cabin," he says and we all go to his cabin. We sit on the black leather couch and unwrap our food and start devouring.

I finish my meal almost in a few minutes along with Percy, while Will was lecturing Nico on how he eats McDonald's but not normal food etc etc. After the argument settles, Nico asks us "So, what were you two doing in the morning?"

Percy shudders "Oh, we were having a tour of the camp"

"So early?" Nico asks

"Ya" Percy says

"Don't lie to me, I know you were out from night" 

I shudder "Yes, we were. But why are you so angry? I couldn't sleep!"

"Why am I angry?" Nico shouts "I am angry because it's a curfew at night and the harpies will eat you if they find you!". Will puts a hand around Nico to calm him.

"I didn't know" I confess

Nico eyes Percy "You knew, right?"

Percy tries to look calm but was freaking out, Nico can be pretty scary if he wanted to. "But we are safe now" he says "Will not do it next time. Pleaseforgiveme!"

 "Fine" Nico mumbles "But if you ever drag Astrid into trouble again, I swear to all gods I will kill you"

This was enough for Percy, he was freaking out. If Nico just became like a bit more scary, reports say that he might even pee in his pants.

"ASTRID FREAKING ACE!" Percy(bro) storms into the Hades cabin "WHAT IN THE NAME OF FUCK ARE YOU DOING HERE?

"Woah there Perce" I try to calm him down "Want McDonald's?" I pass him Nico's fries. He protests but I ignore him. My brother snatches the fries from my hand speaks with food in his hand "Wad you doin' ere?"

I assumed he meant 'What are you doing here' so I say "Eating McDonald's, duh" and add "Why were you freaking out?"

He stops eating "I woke up and you weren't in the cabin. And also, Chiron wants to see you"

I snort "Why?"

"I don't know. But we have to go. Along with Percy, Nico and Will too" he announces.

"Kay" I say as we follow Percy to what supposedly was the big house, the baby blue colored one. We go inside and sit around a ping pong table. Many other people were there too- mostly the counselors of the cabins and Rachel. Percy was there from Athena as the others were missing. And, I don't know why I was here, but I kept my valuables close as the Stolls were here too. Everyone was discussing (and also cussing) about some matters which I didn't pay attention to. I sat beside Percies and started munching on a cracker which the Leo the Latino elf gave me. 

Suddenly, the chattering stops as a half-man and horse (Chiron) enters the room.

"Can I have a word with Astrid?" he asks. Percy Jackson gestures me to go and I oblige and follow him out of earshot.

"Chiron?" I ask, confused.

"Your father and grandfather sent a gift for you" he says kindly.

"So, its settled now? That which cabin I should be in?"

He sighs "It's your choice, dear. As both of these gods have a connection to you" he starts looking in his bag for something.

"What about the gift?" I ask, hoping that it was something cool.

"Here" he says and hands me a black pen. I take it from his hand and uncap it- "Wow!" I say, looking at the black sword. It was perfectly balanced in my hand, unlike the swords at camp and more like Riptide. It had a silver hilt with a trident and embedded on the hilt was the swords name.

"Deathbringer," I say awestruck. the obsidian blade had a purplish glow around it, and it sent waves of terror. 

"Yes, and another thing" Chiron says and starts fiddling with his bag again.

"Here" he pulls out a beautiful bracelet decorated with seashells and blue pearls. I take it, more like snatch it from his hand and wear it on my left hand. 

"Your half-brother, Tyson made this for you" he says. Tyson, my half brother who Percy Jackson told me about. He told me that Tyson had made a wristwatch that could turn into a shield for him, so I touch my bracelet with a right hand and imagine a shield. And BOOM! 

In my hand was now a black sword and silver shield. On the shield were drawings of me charging the minotaur and me and Leo killing it. It was beautifully crafted and I loved how it was so precise, not even one mistake.  

"Thanks, Tyson" I say, even if he was not here.

Chiron smiled at me as I was wielding my sword and deflecting imaginary blades with my shield. I was going to say thanks to Chiron when I realized the commotion in the Ping pong table. I scanned the crowd and found Rachel covered in green smoke coming out of her mouth.

Someone screamed, "Rachel is giving a prophecy!"


Sorry for updating late, I have exams. And did you like the new weapons of Astrid? And yup, I have to write the prophecy



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