chapter three

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The next morning

Amy at walked in to the house her eyes puffy from a mixture of not sleeping and crying all night.

Lou got up from the table to hug her.

" Amy where have you been I was worried" said lou concerned .

"I slept in the loft last night " said Amy.

It was then that Lou got a good look at Amy

" oh my God are you okay what happened" ? Asked lou .

" no I haven't been this not okay since mom died" said Amy.

" sweetheart what happened " ? Asked lou

" ty basically called me a pushover
and a terrible mother" said Amy.

" exactly 0% of those words came out of my mouth" came ties voice from the doorway of the kitchen.

Amy turned around to face him.

" that's what you implied and that's how it felt

" I'm sorry can we please talk this out" ?  Asked  Ty.

" we can talk in the bedroom" said Amy.

" okay let's go" said Ty.

They walked into the bedroom and Amy closed the door.

" Amy look I'm sorry I " ...

" no I am going to talk and you were going to listen and then you can speak" said Amy.

" what you said make me feel weak and disrespected and I will not stand for any disrespect in this marriage if you ever say everything like that to me ever again I will pack my bags and I will leave" Amy said.

Ty just stood there.

" I'm done you may speak" Amy said.

" You're Not Innocent and all this either " said Ty.

" I know and I'm sorry I shouldn't have said that thing about you only wanting to be friends with the kids you're an amazing father " said Amy..

" and you are an amazing mother you are the strongest woman I know and there is no one on planet Earth I respect more than you" said Ty.

" thank you and you're right I did take it a little too far with Clint" admitted Amy.

" I know you were right Andrea is not a fit parent" said Ty.

" now I know not to mess with Mama Bear when's she comes out"

" nobody is going to mess with my kids even the ones who we Foster"

Ty walked closer to Amy and kissed her.

" you know what"?asked Ty.

"What" asked Amy.

"I find you incredibly sexy right now" said Ty.

" Ty it's like 9 a.m". said Amy.

" it's Saturday the kids are still sleeping " said Ty.

"I'll tell you what if you still find me sexy tonight then we can have a a little fun "said Amy.

"Okay"said. Ty.

"Okay we should get back out there" said Amy.

"Okay" said Ty .

Amy and Ty walked out of the bedroom.

Just then Katie walked down the stairs from the attic.

" Luke is crying and as much as I thought it would be amusing it's not so can somebody please fix it" ? Asked Katie.

" we better go talk to him" said Amy.

To be continued

Written by kaelyn

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