chapter six

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The next Morning 
In the barn 
Amy working in the barn feeding and giving the horses water, TY walks in 
“Am I doing it wrong?” Amy asked 
“We need to talk” Ty said 
“About What?” Amy said 
“Everything” Ty said 
“Where is Lyndy?” Amy asked 
“She is with Jack he agreed to watch both of them for a bit so we could talk” Ty said 
“ok Fine let’s go someplace and talk” Amy said
By the pond
Ty and Amy sit in the Grass 
“What I am is upset about is that you didn’t talk to me first about calling Clint about Andrea. We should have talked this through before doing something like that” Ty said 
“It felt right” Amy said 
“Maybe it did but we are in this together” Ty said
“Look I love you with everything I am but I can’t be second guessed by you” Amy said 
“I am sorry I did any of that” Ty said 
“We are a team and we need to act more like a team “Amy said 
“We will” Ty said
“I want this to work with Luke, but we have to be on the same page that if Andrea shows up, we just Clint know” Amy said 
“I will agree to on this from now on you are right Clint needs to know about her” Ty said  
“Ok I think we have our self a deal” Amy said 
Ty and Amy walk back up to the house 
In the ranch house 
Ty and Amy walk in, Lyndy is having breakfast with Jack
“Where is Luke?” Ty asked 
“He is still asleep” Jack said
Ty looked at his phone 
“Its almost 10 he never sleeps this late I will go check on him” Ty said 
In Luke Room
 Ty walks in and sees he is sound asleep goes to wake him and notices that he is really sweaty, Luke half way wakes up 
“Ty I don’t feel good” Luke said in a shaky voice 
“I will be right back” Ty said
Ty walked downstairs into the kitchen 
In the kitchen
Do you know where the Thermometer is?” Ty asked 
“Why “Amy asked puzzled
“Luke is burning up” Ty said 
It’s in the cabinet by the fridge 
Ty walks over and pulls it out 
In Luke Room 
Ty walks in and checks his temperature he reads it says 100.1
“You are sick buddy I will go get you an ice pack” Ty said 
“Can my mom come visit me” Luke asked?
“I will look into buddy ok” TY said 
When Luke walked out of the room, he pulls out his hidden cell phone and makes a call 
“Mom can you please come visit me at the ranch I am sick” Luke said 
In Amy room 
Lindy and Amy playing on the floor 
“Luke does a fever of 100.1 I just gave him some medicine and an ice pack. He wants his mom to come by and see him” Ty said 
“Call Clint he is sick he needs his mom and as a mother I understand its ok” Amy said 
To Be Continued 
 written by Ashley aka  Heartlandfanlex93

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