chapter twenty-two

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In Ty and Amy Room
Ty and Amy lying in bed
"If I had lost you, I don't know what I would have done" TY said
"I am sorry I was just upset I should have never been so careless" Amy said
"Never doubt that you are enough for me because you will always be enough no matter what" TY said
"I just need some time to process everything" Amy said
"Take all the time in the world I am not going anywhere I promise" Ty said
"I think I need to talk to someone" Amy said
"Do you want me to go with you?" Ty asked
"No, I think for right now I need to go at it alone" Amy said
TY grabs Amy Hand
"Ok, but if you ever need me to come with you I will all you have to do is ask" TY said

The next morning
Ty is cooking breakfast, Luke walks in
"What is for breakfast?" Luke asked
"Eggs and Bacon" Ty said
"Where is Lyndy?" Luke asked
"She and Amy are in the barn checking on the horses" Ty said
"Is she going to be ok?" Luke asked
"She is going to be fine we will make sure of it" Ty said with a smile
Lyndy and Amy walk in
"Daddy!" Lyndy said excited
Lyndy sits next to Luke Ty serves up breakfast, Ty and Luke leave
"So, what do you want to do today?" Amy asked
"Play horses with You" Lyndy said
On the Road
Luke and Ty driving down the road
"So, when can I go home?" Luke asked
"I talked to Clint and in two weeks your mom should be able to have you move back in with, but nothing is for certain yet" Ty said
"Ok I promise I won't get my hopes up" Luke said
"Please don't tell Amy what I told you" Ty said
"I promise it will be our secret" Luke said
Ty pulls up in front of school and drops Luke off
Back at Heartland
In the Round pen
Lyndy riding the horse and Amy holding on
"One day I want to go on a trail ride with you" Lyndy said
"You will but you are not old enough yet" Amy said
Ty drives up and gets out
Amy Ty and Lyndy have a picnic in the grass
"Hey mom are you all better?" Lyndy asked
"I am well on my way to being better it will take time" Amy said

To Be Continued written by Ashley

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