chapter eleven

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" I'm not sure that's such a good idea" said Amy

" what why" ? Asked Ty.

" I just don't like the thought of Luke being away all night" said Amy.

Ty was dumbfounded.

" you know I'm starting to think you really are trying to keep Luke away from Andrea said tie angrily.

" no that's ridiculous" said Amy shocked and offended.

" is it though is it really " ? asked Ty.

" yes it is of course I want Luke to be able to be with his mom but I also want to keep him safe " said Amy .

" that's what you keep saying but I don't think that's true" said Ty.

" so what you think I want Andrea to fail" ? Asked Amy angrily.

" honestly kind of yeah "admitted Ty's

And it stood there in shock unable to say anything before she just walked away.

" Amy where are you going" ? Asked Ty.

" I'm going for a Drive said Amy.

" okay whatever" said Ty giving..

Then lyndy came walking out of the barn

" hey sweetheart" said Amy picking up lyndy..

" are you going somewhere"? Asked lyndy.

" yeah I just need to get away for awhile" said Amy .

" can I come with you" asked Lyndy .

":no you stay here with Daddy I'll be back in a bit okay " said Amy.

" okay"said lyndy smiling.

Amy got into her car. and drove away.

Amy drove up to the top of the ridge parked her truck and started to sob uncontrollably.

" I need to tell the truth but the truth was heartbreaking.

She cried until she couldn't cry anymore.

Then she finally decided to go home and talk to Ty .

Ty was sitting on the porch when Amy pulled.

" Ty can we talk" ? Asked Amy her voice shaking.

Amy walked over to the bench and sat down beside Ty.

" Amy I'm sorry I shouldn't have said that thing about you wanted to keep Luke away from Andrea I know that's not what you want to do" said Ty.

" no Ty you don't need to apologize I was completely out of my mind saying that Luke shouldn't go overnight.

" Ty I need to tell you something" said Amy.

" okay what is it" ? Asked Ty .

" I need you tell me you love me first" said Amy.

" I love you you know that" said Ty.

" okay so do you remember what I told you last time we had sex " ? Asked Amy.

" you mean when you said it hurt asked Ty.

" yeah I want dr. Adler a few days after that" said Amy..

" oh what did she say "? Asked Ty.

She said um ..sorry Amy said having trouble getting the words out.

" it's okay take your time" said Ty gently.

" she said the best case scenario is polycystic ovarian syndrome said Amy.

" I'm not sure I even when I ask this but what's the worst case scenario" ? Asked Ty.

" ovarian cancer" said Amy trying to hold back tears.

" it's okay come here said Ty: hugging Amy tightly.

" I won't be able do you have anymore kids" said Amy.

" is that why you've been so overprotective of Luke lately asked Ty

Amy nodded tears rolling down her face.

" I tried not to think about it but the harder I try not to think about it the herder I think I found it" said Amy

" how long have you known" ? Asked Ty.

" since the day before Luke got sick" said Amy.

" and then seeing Andrea not show up for Luke the last minute really just rubbed me the wrong way if that was lyndy you would have to drag me all of that hospital" said Amy.

" oh I know but just because we don't agree with everything Andrea does does it mean we can keep her away from her son Luke is her son after all" said Ty.

" I know "admitted Amy .

" why didn't you tell me sooner" ? Asked Ty.

" I was scared" admitted Amy.

" scared why what were you scared of" ? Asked Ty.

" I was scared that you would leave me" animated Amy.

" Amy oh God oh God no" said Ty.

Ty hugged Amy like her life depended on it because he knew at the moment she felt like it did.

" I'm so sorry said Amy through a fresh round of Tears.

" what are you sorry for you have nothing to be sorry for this isn't your fault" said Ty.

" I wanted two I wanted to hopefully give you a son" sobbed Amy .

" now I can't do that on top of that we can't even have sex because it hurts like hell" Amy continue.

This is when it finally dawned on Ty.

" were you using Luke as a surrogate second kid" ? Asked Ty .

" well that's kind of what he is" said Amy.

" okay two things yes but Luke's not are we are going to have to give them back someday secondly your health is the most important thing to me our sex life does not matter" said Ty

" say that sentence again tomorrow when your horny as f*** Amy said

" now that I know that it hurts that's not going to be a problem said Ty

" Ty what if it's not just PCOS" asked Amy worried.

" then we'll get through it I promise" said Ty.

To be continued written by Kaitlyn

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