chapter eighteen

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In Amy and Ty room
Ty laying in bed, his phone rings he reaches over and picks it up
"Hello, yes this is Ty Borden will be right there" Ty said in a panic voice
Ty jumps up out of bed and runs down the hall, Jack is sitting at the kitchen table
"I have to go both of the kids are asleep" Ty said
Ty runs out the door and gets in his truck and flies off

At the hospital
Ty runs in and over to the nurses station
"My wife Amy Fleming Borden was brought in can you tell me where she is please?" Ty asked
The nurse looks on her computer
"She is in Room 118" The Nurse said
Ty walks down the hall

In Amy Room
Ty walks in and sees she is hooked up to Machine and that she has a huge bandage on her forehead and that she is unconscious he walks over and sits by her bed
"What happen please wake up and tell me please" TY said Crying
Doctor Johns walks in
"Hello" Dr Johns said
"What happen?" Ty asked
"There was a car accident according to the EMT that she hit a simit pillar" Dr Johns said
"How is she doing?" Ty asked
"She is lucky she has a broken rib a fractured wrist and a concussion" Dr Johns said
"When will she wake up" Ty asked
"I don't know for sure that is up to her" Dr Johns said
The Doctor walks out , Ty sits by her bed
"Whatever is going on in your head please help me figure it out because this isn't you" Ty said
Ty sits by her bed watching the clock to him minutes feel like days.
Ty walks out in the hall he grabs his phone
"Hey Jack listen Amy was in an accident and she is in the hospital and she is unconscious. How are the kids?" Ty asked
Ty hangs up
In Amy Room
Ty walks in and sits by her bed
"Listen to me you need to wake up because I need you and so do the kids , I love you and whatever is going on in your head we can face it together. I need you back please wake up . "TY said

The next day
Ty sleeping by his bed, Jack walks in and nudges him he wakes up
"Hey Jack" Ty said
"Do you need a break?" Jack asked
"No, I am ok" Ty said
"You need a break go home and see the kids; Lou is with them now" Jack said
Ty kisses Amy on the forehead and walks out

At Heartland
Ty walks in, Lyndy and Luke having breakfast
"Where is Amy?" asked Luke
"She is in the hospital she was in a car accident" Ty said
"Can we go see her?" Luke asked
"Not right now but soon" Ty said
"Is she going to be ok?" Luke asked
"She is going to be fine" Ty said

At the Hospital
Amy wakes up

To Be Continued written by Ashley

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