Sugar Fix (SPNxReader)

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“Cas do you hear that?”

“Hear what (y/n)?” He asked as he watched you leaning against the vending machine, stroking the glass.

“That Rice Krispie treat, it’s calling my name,” you said staring down at the shiny blue packaging. Cas tilted his head to the side, confused at your words. He was very relieved when Dean walked by on his way to the Impala.

“Dean, I believe something is wrong with (y/n). She claims that that snack is attempting to converse with her.” Dean just laughed and reached into his pocket for his wallet.

“She’s just hungry and needs her sugar fix. Which one do you want (y/n)?”

“That chocolate Rice Krispie right there,” you said staring hungrily at the bar. Before Dean could put the dollar in the machine there was a fluttering of wings behind you.

“I hear someone’s in need of a sugar fix?”

“Gabriel!” you exclaimed running to give him a hug.

“Hey kiddo,” he said as he returned the hug. “This is for you,” he said handing you a little yellow bucket full of various candies with a Rice Krispies Treat laying on top.

“Ah thanks!” You grabbed the bucket and ripped open the shiny blue wrapping of the Rice Krispie. “You’re seriously the best,” you said through a mouth full of snack.

“Oh, does that mean you’re finally gonna leave Dean for me?” he asked smiling.

“Okay let’s not go overboard Gabe,” you replied, "I mean I love you and all, but no one could drag me away from Dean." Dean's face lit up with pride from your words and he began smirking at Gabriel.

“But I’m an Archangel (y/n)! And a trickster! Seriously, what has Dean done with his life that makes him so great?”

“Well he has saved both Sam and (y/n)’s life many times, including willingly selling his soul for Sam. He also crawled out of his own grave when I brought him back. He raised Sam on his own, destroyed an entire vampire nest that contained nearly 100 vampires while resisting blood himself……” Cas said counting on his fingers and he listed each thing, “oh and stopped the apocalypse.”

Gabe huffed and crossed his arms. “Yeah well whatever. I can still create entire realities but yeah no Dean is sooooo much cooler than me."

“Glad you see things as they really are,” Dean said putting his arm around your waist and leading you to the car.

“Thanks again Gabe, I still think you’re pretty great!” you called over your shoulder. When you got to the Impala you pulled Sam out of the front seat and took his spot. When he started protesting you began throwing M&Ms at him until he reluctantly sat in the back.

“You know Cas,” Gabe said while munching on a chocolate bar, “I think those lame hunters may be my favorite humans.”

“I believe so as well Gabriel,” Cas said smiling “although they are the complete opposite of ‘lame’”.

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