Rib Fractures (Team Free WillxReader)

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The motel bed you were laying on was lumpy and uncomfortable, but you barely noticed because of the pain you were in. You were still pretty banged up from the last hunt and your arms and ribs were covered in aching bruises. Anytime you moved shooting pain could be felt running up your back and sides, which was why you were laying facedown, trying your best not to move an inch.

“Everything hurts and I think I’m dying,” you said, the pillow muffling your words.

“Well that’s what happens when a witch throws you into a wall and down concrete stairs,” Dean said from across the room. “I’d bet good money that you have about three fractured ribs.”

You groaned into the bed, knowing Dean was probably right judging by the pain that was present in your sides. You heard Sam get up and, judging by all the noise, he began rummaging through his duffelbag.

“Here sit up and take these,” he said as he sat beside you.

“No it’ll hurt too much,” you whined.

“(y/n),” Sam sighed. “C’mon just get up.” You reluctantly did as you were told, even though it sent pain all throughout your body. Sam handed you the pills and a bottle of water and you easily swallowed them down.

“You’ll feel better here in a few minutes,” he said sitting down across from you on the other bed. He pulled out his laptop and searched for nearby warehouses, knowing the vampire you guys were hunting had to be in one of them. Dean sat across the room searching for the same thing but instead was using a map. You just sat on the bed and waited for the meds to kick in. After a few minutes of sitting motionless, you looked down at your hands and for some reason became fascinated by them.

“Have you guys ever looked at your hands?” you asked, flipping your hands back and forth. “Like really looked at them. There’s all kinds of lines and cracks and scars and stuff. And they’re so wobbly,” you said as you shook your right hand, looking at it intensely.

“Dude what did you give her?” Dean asked as he watched you wiggle your fingers.

“The good stuff. What she looked like she was in some serious pain!” he said after Dean gave him a disapproving look.

“Hey. Hey!” you shouted throwing a pillow at Sam. 

“What?!” he exclaimed.

“Where’s that one guy. The one with coat and the tie. He always has squinty eyes and looks confused most of the time?”

“Cas?” Dean asked.

“Yeah the angel guy!” you said excitedly. “Cas. Cas. C-a-s. C-a-a-a-stiel. Casti-e-e-el. C-a-a-sti-e-e-l” you said sounding out each letter slowly.

“If you keep saying his name you’re going to call him here,” Dean said as he grabbed a coke from the room’s mini fridge.

“Like Beetlejuice?” you gasped. “Castiel! Castiel! Castiel!”

“What do you need (y/n)?” Cas said as he appeared in the room.

“It worked!” you said laughing. “Your name tastes funny,” you told him, smacking your lips.

“Names do not have tastes (y/n),” Castiel said.

“Yes they do,” you said nodding your head.

“Dean what is going on?” Cas asked confused.

“Sam drugged my girlfriend,” he said, taking a sip of his drink.

“That is against the law Sam,” Cas warned.

“I did not drug her,” Sam said annoyed. “She got some injuries from the last hunt and was hurting so I gave her some pills. She’s fine, just a little loopy. I probably should have just given her one… (y/n) why are you staring at Cas?”

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