Bruises and Blood

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Harry PoV

I sat in the dormitory with Hermione and Ron crying my eyes out while they texted Blaise and Pansy to get more details about what had happened. Apparently, no one had seen Dray since him and Ginny kissed and not only was I angry but I was worried. I was worried because after the years I'd known him, he never seemed one to completely disappear after something bad happened. In fact he was always at the scene of the crime.

Hermione and Ron both gasped. "Harry! Harry they found him!" Ron said. I shot up. "Is he ok? Is he hurt?"

 "He looks a little bruised according to Pansy," Hermione said, "But he was put under the hallucination curse. Apparently he passed out while he was under it. They're taking him to the hospital wing now." 

I ran out of the room, Hermione and Ron trailing behind me. I went straight to the hospital wing, not stopping. When I finally got to the hospital wing and saw Draco I gasped. He was waking up but it looked like he was in a lot of pain. He had a black eye and his nose was a little bloody. 

"Bloody hell how did this happen?" I whispered to myself. 

He heard me. "Harry? Harry is that you?" He seemed to have trouble staying awake. 

"It's me." 

"Harry, Harry I didn't kiss her. She kissed me I swear. I swear Harry, I would never cheat on you. Harry please I didn't" 

"Shh Dray, love, okay. I know" Do I know? I lifted my hand to set it on his. He flinched away before I was even halfway to his hand. 

"Don't hit me." He whispered so low I barely even heard it. "Dray, love why in the world would I hit you?" 

I could tell he was falling back asleep.

"Hallucinations." I heard Pomfrey say from behind me. "What about them?" "That's what his hallucination was. You beating him up, telling him you didn't want him anymore, how he cheated on you and so you hated him, just that over and over again. Eventually he passed out from the pain - though it was only part of the spell - and someone came and beat him up."

"Was it Ginny?" I asked Draco. He gave a small nod. "Sh-she kissed me. You ran away. I kneed her in the stomach. Th-then she, she, um, muttered a spell and e-everything turned white. Th-then you appeared and-and," He was crying now and it made me want to cry too. 

"Draco you don't have to tell me." "No, no you need to know. You appeared and you-you told me that I-i was a cheater and-and you hated me." He was flat out sobbing now. "And then you-you told me that I cheated on you with a cheater and then you hit me. A-and I couldn't talk or-or move. Then at one point it just-it just stopped. I woke up here. You were here. You are here." He covered his head with his pillow. "I'm pretty sure she's the one who beat me up." 

A tear slipped down my cheek.

"I'm okay though. I promise." He said, his voice muffled by the pillow. "Do you want me to tell people? About Ginny I mean." "Yes. I would love that.""I'm so sorry Dray." "Darling you have nothing to be sorry for." 

He sat up, taking the pillow off his head and handing it to me. I balanced it on my head as he laughed. I smiled as it fell. 

"When will you leave the hospital wing?" "I have to leave within the next hour." "Do you wanna go to your dorm, my dorm, the library?" "My dorm." 

"I'm going to go tell Pomfrey." "You do that. Have fun." Pansy, Blaise, Hermione, and Ron needed a turn to talk to him too.

I walked up to the door to her office and knocked. "Come in." I heard. 

I opened the door. "I'm going to take Draco back to his dorm now. Can you take off our classes for today?" "Yes, of course. Make sure he doesn't over exert himself. Whomever beat him up made him lose a lot of blood." "Yes ma'am."

We walked halfway to the dorms and I carried him the rest of the way after he got "dizzy". Yeah right he just didn't want to walk. 

I laid him down on his bed as he laughed at some stupid  joke I made as I was walking up the stairs. He was very heavy.

"Will you lay down with me?" He asked. "Of course." As I layed down in bed I asked him the question that I'd been dying to ask this entire time. "Why did she do this?"

"She was jealous I think. She wanted our relationship ruined so that we would be alone. She said something that made me think she didn't cheat on you." "How? I found her in the corridors snogging Seamus." "But Seamus is gay?" "I don't know. I will never understand girls."

I am going to kill her. 

"Love, I would never hit you." "I-i know." "Dray?" "Yes?" 

"I love you. I would never do something like that. Ever. You're too important to me for that."

"I love you too." 

And then we fell asleep.

Love Potions, Lies, and Flirting | Drarry| 8th YearWhere stories live. Discover now