Not Who You Once Were

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Sequel To Taking The Blade For You 

_____ Napier kept a steady aim on the clown before her. Her hands shook violently as she locked her sight on him. 

Her husband. 

He shook her to the core as he laughed, swinging upside down from the construction building and reciting to himself just how funny this situation was. He knew she would have found out eventually but he hadn't pictured how priceless her face would be at this exact moment. 

He'd admit that he was disappointment in her for not figuring it out sooner. 

Had all the events before not line up until now? 

She was suppose to be a detective-- someone who was suppose to figure this sort of thing out. And especially after he had set out hints so easily for her. 

She hadn't realized it. 

Or perhaps she didn't want to. Perhaps she knew and denied the truth because of who her husband really was. 

The Joker. 

The Clown Prince who made Gotham shutter. 

And now here he was, at the mercy of his woman. 

"What an awkward situation." Jack laughed to himself, swaying back and forth by the wire attached to him. "What you plan to do now, I wonder.." His ebony eyes board into _____, seeing just how uneasy she was. "I can see it in your eyes.. There's a part of you that wants to cut me loose.. either to set me free or to let me fall.." 

"Is there a difference?" 

Another chuckle came from The Joker. Jack grinned, his eyes gazing around. 

So far, it was just the two of them, but her team would soon be here and they would decide what to do with him. He wanted her fate to be up to her, the one person he deemed worthy of his life. Only she could be the one to make this decision. 

She would decide if he lived or died. 

"You know that, uh, only you can make what happens next.." He licked the side of his lips, the dirty habit he picked up all those years ago. After being shipped out, captured and tortured. The habit she warned him about but didn't listen to. 

She was only trying to look out for him. 

"Why me..?" _____ tightened the grip on her pistol, her finger tempted to pull the trigger. 

He didn't support the idea of her joining the law system. Becoming a detective and doing what she believed was 'good' for Gotham. He didn't support it, but he wasn't going to hold her back. She was his world and if it made her happy... he'd let her do it. Though her injuries slowed her down a bit, she never once let it get to her. She became the best she could be-- even in hard times when The Joker rose up and made Gotham his bitch. Even as the crippling thought that her beloved husband was the clown all along... she kept going. 

"Why do I all of a sudden have control on what happens next? Huh?" She lowered her gun for the moment, bringing down the badge that stood between her job and her domestic life. "You have been in control this entire time! You decided what happened. You decided who lived and who died. You wouldn't have let Harvey die.. You wouldn't have let anything happen to your god damn plans.." Her jaw clenched as she felt pricks of tears sting her eyes. "You knew when I'd find out. You knew what would happen until now... And now, it's up to me?" She shook her head, her sight breaking from her husband. "Why all of a sudden am I the one in control? Because you fucked up and need me to do it for you?" Once the tears started to run down her face, Jack felt his smile falter. " You knew I wanted this job, this life.. Help protect others when I could, because I couldn't return to the military.. I was made to protect this city... and you.." She shook her head and smirked. "You destroyed this city." She thought her legs would give way at any moment. However, even though weak in one leg already, she stood. "You destroyed me." 

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