Father Killed Father

44 3 1

New York
Arthur McIntosh
Something is off about this new priest, he seems to pay wee bit too much attention to females of all types with the exception of the nuns. He is not clear as to where is was prior to our Parrish. My wife and three daughters are uncomfortable around him. I always trust females instincts they know predators when they see them. This guys name doesn't seem to fit him Father McDonald and he sometimes has to be called more than once. He is not hard of hearing. I am on high alert. My oldest is 8 year old Aria, Senthia is 6 and Paula is 4 we have a new one coming. No one knows yet. I am a detective and carry my guns and badge most the time. McDonald showed up and explained he was filling in for father Dooley who had an family emergency. I thought it was odd, since Dooley had no family. So I decided to let t go and keep an eye on him. He was evasive about his last assignment as well.
Father Dooley
I wished I was less trusting, but I thought this guy was a priest. Now I am in the trunk of my car headed who knows where. Suddenly everything goes black. I see my grandma who is dead............She leads me into a  ice soothing light......
Father McDonald
I got out of Seattle pretty quickly. The body count was getting high. Twelve around Washington state and the same amount of children. Kids are being watched a lot more lately. This Parrish has a lot of women and children due to being police and fireman widows. I have my eyes on several as my next victims. One guy is asking a bit more questions than I care for. Luckily I know how to fake documents like I did with all of them. But I don't know who created sister Anas paperwork. The timing on it was bizarre, I got out of there fast after I dumped them at the hospital. Now I am here and am just biding my time to separate my victims from the others.
Okay Ana Steele you really want me to stay in the dark here? I believe it's time for you to tell me how you and the girl were spared?
I can't speak about it yet. Once I did you will know why I kept quiet. My guns and badge are safely hidden. I was recruited to infiltrate the arch diocese as a novice nun because we suspected a priest of going from one place to another place killing and raping women and girls in the church. No nuns were ever harmed. The victims came first and we just now got a description. We have to go on as usual. I am your niece by the way. We may have a lead on the priest and he is a real priest. He was spotted around New York.
So detective Phillips knows this information?
Yes he was aware of it as soon as they got news of other victims fitting the MO.
Aren't you just 18? How are you working undercover homicide?
Kid genius in criminal investigations. I was recruited before the priest came to light. I spotted his MO and we knew he thought nuns were safe to manipulate. Not all were real nuns, case in point. We just got a report out of New York from a detective Macintosh. He and his family have some concerns about a possible missing priest and the new temporary priest. I can't go, because he will recognize me. But it's him I saw the photo.
In the meanwhile, Father Dooley goth is chance.
Senthia McIntosh
I ran back to the church to get my sweater, while dad was speaking to mom in the car. I couldn't locate it on the pew. I looked up and Father McDonald was holding walking to the stairs and the priests quarters. I called out but he seemed to not hear me. I followed him and he went into his quarters. I knocked and asked for my sweater he grabbed me and put his hand over my mouth. I couldn't scream, he tied me up and placed masking tape over my mouth. I prayed my dad would find me.
Detective McIntosh
My wife Beth said Senthia should be back by now. I looked and I agreed with her. I told her and the girls to stay where they were. I noticed it was very quiet in the church which was odd. I decided to look for anyone. I saw movement and father McDonald  carrying  something out the back. His door was open and he was concentrating so hard he hadn't noticed me go into his room. What I found there made me pull my gun and ask him to open the duffle bag immediately. I call for backup. He tossed the duffle and made a run for it. I shot and stopped when I saw the duffle move. I ran after McDonald, he pulled a gun and  this time my shot hit him as his did me. As I was laying bleeding out I saw his eyes go lifeless.
Three days later I awaken to Beth and all three of my children smiling at me. Senitha was bruised up badly along with a broken arm, but she was alive thanks to my actions. According to Beth this guy killed Father Dooley and took his place. He was wanted for murders, rapes of women and young children. He left two witnesses in Seattle Washington. Luckily he didn't have time to do much to Senthia. When he threw the duffle it caused the bruises and broken arm. What made me go after him was what I saw on his wall. Pictures of my wife and daughters along with pictures of before and after his rape victims some looked less than 5 years old all girls. He had women as well, they looked like the girls in some cases. Just a glance was all I needed to get the idea what he was carrying in the duffle bag.

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