Hyde Presses Charges

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I want her prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.
Detective Aaron
Listen you are the one being prosecuted no one is going to take a report against her by you after everything you have done. Her blouse and her throats have your DNA on them. Her bullet is all we need along with the fact her prints were over the top of your on the stop button. Which means that you stopped the elevator and she started it back up. Duh. Your attorney is on his way in to see you. Oh by the way, since the news article about your attack one detective Steele other have came forward and are pressing charges as well. So if I were you I would plead guilty.
I can't believe Hyde actually thought he could press charges against Ana and think anyone would take it seriously. There are ten women pressing charges after the news hit about him attacking Ana n the elevator. Ana has been getting regular visitors some from a certain billionaire. Dr Grey comes in and checks on her and now she is going home in two days. Dr Grey asked us to join them for Sunday brunch and we are going.
I joined mom for lunch in Anas room and she woke up and they took her trach out and her breathing was okay. She has to stay until it is a hundred percent. I finally introduced myself and thank her for her work on the Lincoln case. I can't take my eyes off her and she blushes and said her and a team including detective Phillips were all working together to put Lincoln in prison for life. They still have no idea how Elena got injured and no one is saying anything.
Detective Steele
I ask the Greys to call me Ana, detective Steele is so formal. Christian is surprisingly single and hot as hell. When Grace asked us over for brunch Ray and I accepted. Ray has met a great lady named Cathy. She is a widow as well. She has two boys and a girl. All under twelve years of age, he met her in the waiting room here. Her cousin was having a baby.
Cathy had her three children and all were anxiously awaiting the birth of their new cousin. Raymond Alexander Rogers 10, Timothy Joseph Rogers 10 and Hailey Elizabeth Rogers 4. When I was waiting for news on Ana, they called my name and her son told me his name was the same. It went from there. We just connected on so many levels. Ex military and widowed ex military wife. I asked Grace if I could bring my lady and her three children, she was thrilled to have them.
I am ready to leave here although my throat still hurts the swelling and bruising are getting better. I have to be careful until it fully heals. Hyde actually had the nerve to send an attorney down here to talk to me about dropping the charges against me for a monetary settlement. I laughed at the attorney and told him there weren't gong to be charges against me from him. I told the guy his client is facing prison time for his attack on me. I should get monetary settlements from him. Attorney Reed Williams didn't do his due diligence on this situation.
So did she go for it?
Reed Williams
Listen Hyde you lied to me and wasted my time. Expect a bill from my office and you better pay it or add fraud to your charges. She could easily sue you and win punitive damages along with medical bills and attorneys fees. Do you know who Carrick Grey is? Well let's say he owns the top firm in Seattle. She is friends with the family. Good riddance Hyde. Have fun in prison heard some of your clients are biting at the bit to entertain you. Mull on that piece of information.
Policeman Donaldson
Well look at you, guess the tiny detective put you in your six foot four place. She's like five foot nothing and barely ninety pounds. You had to choke her and still she was able to knee you in the groin and get her gun and shoot you. My sister send her worst regards you piece of garbage. She is reopening her case along with the three other coworkers against you. They are coming out of the woodwork to get you Hyde. Plus I heard some disgruntled clients are waiting for you in prison. You loss rate is one hundred percent. You even lost cases where they were obviously innocent you lazy scumbag. They are reopening every case you lost. Even your current coworkers have it in for you. I also heard you tried to file charges against Detective Steele, what a joke. Have a bad life what is left of it that is.
Two heavily armed guards walk in along with a nurse and a dr to release me. They watch me dress in the prison attire and place cuffs on my wrists and ankles with a heavy belted chain. I try to protest and they just tell me it will go worse if I don't cooperate. Guard Thomason
I have to treat him like every other prisoner I keep thinking all while he is berating me and my coworker. My sister is still in therapy over this creep.
Guard Roach
Thomason is barely holding it together and I know why. I help cuff Hyde and he's pushing his luck with us. The brass reminded us to keep our cool and I am trying to, my wife kicked his ass when he tried to corner her in her office. She pulled her gun out and told him her aim is perfect and pointed it at his groin area. She said either get out or die. He ran out. When she told he had reported her fr threatening him with a gun. HR laughed at him.

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