The Wedding

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I have been sick all morning. My dress is loose on me, Kate was absolutely crazed about it. She had her final fitting the night before and they were paid extra. I paid for the last minute fitting since her parents had given her a cap on spending. Between, Elliott, Grace, Carrick, Christian and myself we gave her her dream wedding. The crying was getting to all of us. Her seamstress did a wonderful job. She looks amazing and not pregnant. Somehow the seamstress balanced her breast area to make it look even to her bump and created an illusion of lace waterfall down to her feet. So the effect is amazing. Mias wedding was rescheduled due to heavy rains. So we are going to allow them to marry right after Kate and Elliott's ceremony. It is going to be quick and the dance will take place an hour later. Kate at first was upset at sharing the day. But Christian promised her more than the all expense paid Bora Bora stay at our home. Taylor and Gail came back smiling goofily at one another. Christian convinced her after a car shopping trip. She chose a very expensive minivan lol. I figured a sports car, but she couldn't get in and out of it without help. Elliott was in the doghouse until he bought her a new wardrobe for the trip and her pregnancy. Boy can she shop.
Annie was thrilled that Robert and I are finally marrying. She gets along with my family very well. She takes care of the boys and they love her as well. When the rains prevented our wedding, she made a call to Kate. My soon to be mother in law never hesitated to ask her to make it double wedding. She also said it was her greatest wish for us to be married before our third child was born. So Kate made concessions after Annie called Christian for some help on the wedding. He also found out number three was on the way. Annie was less than happy, but decided not to think about it. But demanded s to get married before number three.
Okay I want to know where you found the time to have sex? You were rained out but you will be married before this third baby comes. Hey have a double wedding with your brother. Everyone will be there and you can just schedule it one after the other. Okay let's call who we need to and beg and plead. Mia you and Robert play the baby card big time and make me out to be an ogre. We have all the things for your wedding and the rain ruined it. Let's get busy before the boys wake up.
Your mother should work for Christian she can charm a rock. It's all set, Christian made a few deals for us. We have to get with Kate and make it all work out. Our cake will need to be bigger.
I have the cake already and just like you wanted but bigger. The boys will need tuxes, I can make those. I have to get together with the brides and grooms to set the schedule and the caterers will need to add my creations to theirs space wise. Mia are you okay with all of this and me powering over it? If you want anything changed let me know.
Add your Mac and cheese to it and you will make a friend for life in Christian.
He loves comfort food good to know. Okay we have to go get the twins dressed and your homework. We are meeting Kate and Elliott at your parents house. Everyone is getting in on this including Ray and Cathy. So let's roll.
I am uncomfortable at first, but soon find out that Mias shot was in the same batch as Kate's and is the reason she is pregnant so soon. I guess they are part of a class action suit now. Carrick said it happens, but the company was liable in this situation but he couldn't elaborate.  It will be a slam dunk case. 
Annie said he great grandchildren need Robert and Mia to be married and they love each other. I agreed they do love each other. I was taken aback by how fast they were able to get everything done to include Mia and Roberts wedding integrated into the events.
I and Carrick are escorting the brides down the aisle, the grooms and best man are already up there waiting. Both ministers are waiting as well. It actually went quite well. I danced with Kate and Carrick danced with Mia.. Robert danced with his grandmother and Elliott with Grace. Then the toasts were done..
Christian saw my date and saw red, but didn't say anything. She was a bit to friendly for my taste. Ana kept giving her dirty looks. Ana doesn't do that without a great reason. So I am watching Felicity closely. Taylor asks to speak to her privately. Okay that can't be good.
Miss Arvin may I speak to you privately? I don't give her a chance to say no and take her by the elbow. Listen mr Grey is being nice by having me say this to you. If you go near him or Ana for any reason you are on your way out of here. So stay close to mr Kavanagh. Does he know you are using him to get close to Christian Grey? Or are you going after him for his name. Ethan will know soon enough and if you think Grey is being heartless don't forget how they found you and helped you to have you try to break them up. I personally would have tossed you out the second I saw you.
Oh right, I need to talk to Taylor for a moment can you watch Frankie for me. Listen, I try to interject and he just keeps telling me how it is going to be. I think hmm let's test that theory as I see Ana watching me and Taylor. Okay I hear you I am gone if I try anything.

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